#66: His child from a past relationship (Harry & Niall only) Part 1

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"She's so precious Harry, it's nice to finally meet her." You told him.

"She's quite something." He joked. "Say hi to [Y/N] Kyah!" His daughter opened and closed her little hand at you and you waved back smiling.

"Anyway babe, I'm sorry I had to bring the baby. I couldn't find a babysitter on short notice." He sighed. It was just supposed to be the two of you going on a date for the night at the Outback Steakhouse, but you honestly didn't mind.

"So...I hope you don't mind me asking..." You started off.

"Oh no it's fine, Ask me anything."

"What exactly is Kyah mixed with?" He took in a deep breath making her look at him.

"Well, her mother was Hispanic, and she was mixed with like everything. So it's kind of hard to tell." He sighed.

"I hope I didn't offend you...I must sound ignorant right now." You laughed regretting even asking about it. You were pretty embarrassed.

"No, No, No...[Y/N], it's fine. I'm glad you're taking an interest in Kyah." He chuckled. "I just don't like talking about my ex..."

"I see where you're coming from." You say. "I still apologizing for asking. It was insensitive of me."

"It's fine [Y/N]." He smiled rubbing your thigh.

"But if it weren't for her I would have never met my baby girl." He kissed her forehead. It really touched your heart seeing how good he was with that kid.

"Dahhh..." You both turned your attention to the baby babbling random noises in the high chair.

"Can you say Dada?" He gushed to her, tickling her tummy making her laugh.

"She's a little cutie pie." You grinned at her. She looked at you and smiled back.

"You like [Y/N]? Yeah?" He happily smiled at his daughter and it melted your heart into a puddle.

"She's not used to having a mother figure around. Her mom kind of just left her with me." He sighed taking a sip of his water.

"That's not cool, she didn't call you or anything?" You asked.

"I didn't even know she was pregnant with Kyah in the first place. She left Kyah at my door step when she was 2 weeks old."

"Aww, Kyah sweetheart...how did you know for sure that she was yours?" You asked.

"At first I didn't know whether she was or not. But I figured I couldn't just hand her off to some stranger, just because at the time I didn't want to accept the responsibility, but I still kept her. Something about her told me that she was mine.....So I went in and got a DNA test done and the test came back positive. And now here she is." He gently ruffled her hair and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"You're so brave, taking on that kind of responsibility." You said kissing his lips.

"God is really gonna bless you for taking her in like that even though you had no clue if she was yours." You smiled.

"I couldn't just leave her. She was my baby, and she needed me." He chuckled. "Would you mind watching her for a moment? I'm going to use the bathroom real quick."

"Oh yeah, I got her. Take your time."

As soon as Harry left the table the baby looked right at you.

"Between you and me, I really love your daddy." You whispered to her making her smile. Her smile quickly faded when she couldn't see Harry. Her lips turned to a frown and her bottom lip started to tremble.

"It's alright sweet pea, your Daddy will be right back. He's going potty." You chuckled. She started to cry and all eyes were on you.

"Alright come here Ma," you ended up holding her in your lap but she still cried. You tried to bounce her on your knee and make faces but she still wasn't stopping. "It's ok Mamas, Daddy's coming back." You sighed in relief when Harry came back.

"Baby girl, what's the matter?" He looked at her in 'Awe' taking her from you and she immediately got quiet.

"She's a Daddy's girl huh?" You smiled. Harry nodded kissing her cheek.

"Daddy can't have less than 5 minutes to go to the bathroom Kyah?" He laughed making you laugh. Shortly after, the food came to the table and the baby started smacking her lips together, and whining.

"It's alright, I know you're hungry." He fixed her up a bottle and she looked so annoyed at him that it made you guys laugh.

"Harry she doesn't want that, she wants real food." You laughed.

"I'll give her some of my potatoes." He takes a spoon and she takes a bite.

"Mmm, yummy mashed potatoes." You giggled. Throughout the night, you guys had a good time sitting down and talking and just being able to enjoy each other's company.

"You ready to go baby?" You asked holding his hand. He nodded kissing your cheek.

"Ms. Kyah is starting to get cranky and upset so that means it's almost bed time." He laughed picking up the fussy baby in her car seat. "Its alright Kyah, Daddy's gonna take [Y/N] home and then me and you will go home."

"I feel bad that she's all crabby. How about I just stay the night at the house?"

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yeah. I have like...a lot of clothes over there, and it's less stopping. You can get the baby home faster." You smiled.

"Alright, we can do that." He smiled at you hooking the baby seat into the car. Once you guys left and got to Harry's house you helped him put Kyah to bed and when it was just the two of you, let's just say it was a fun night.

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