#19: Your infant son (Liam)

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(Another picture of my nephew from when he was younger)

Your son was a little past a year old, but he was far behind on his physical development. He was still at that stage where he would stand up on stuff so he spent a lot of time in his walker. He always wanted to hang around Liam and it almost made you jealous, but you  knew he always lowkey favorited you out of you and Liam. He liked playing with Liam and on ocassion, listening to him sing. He was a happy kid, and his name was Charles.

Liam P.O.V

I sat and watched as the small boy pushed himself back and forth across the carpet. He was having too much fun with this whole walker thing. He's been going at it for months, and he's already got the standing thing down so he should be able to walk without it pretty soon. In about a minute or so, he stopped and sat himself in the middle of the floor.

"Dada out!" Charles called out to me. I get up to go attend to him and he's happy to see me, as always. I moved his walker out of the way so he wouldn't hurt himself while crawling about and before I know it he's standing up on the far end of the couch staring at me.

"You're getting better buddy." I tell him. He turns the opposite way and tries to take really small steps toward the front door. He takes at least 3 steps before he falls down and starts laughing. That boy always gives me a reason to smile.

"Charles, can you walk to daddy?" He turns his head to look at me with a look in his eyes that resembles fear.

"It's ok bud, I'll be right here. Take your time." I move up a bit closer to him and wait until he's ready. In no time he picks himself up off the ground and takes a shaky step towards me. He got his balance together faster than I thought.

"You can do it, just look at me Charles."  He stopped looking at his feet and looked up towards me. He took a few more steps and I backed up every time he got closer to me. Before I knew it, he was trying to run, and he had only got the walking thing down a few seconds ago.

"Slow down Charles, one milestone at a time." I chuckled.

"He's walking?!" I hear a voice behind me. It was [Y/N], I guess she just got in from work.

"He's getting there." I say getting up to go hug her. She drops her things on the couch and watches our baby focus intensely on his walking.

"Charles, it's Mommy!!!" [Y/N] smiled at him.

"Mama!" He smiled at her excited to see his Mommy.

"Come to Mommy Charles, come on, you can do it." She takes her coat off and sits a couple feet away from him on the carpet.

"Babe you need to go support his back." She quickly nags me before smiling at Charles again. When I try to help him he says no and then starts walking on his own.

He took one step after another and he didn't stop. He kept going until he fell right into [Y/N]'s lap.

"Yay!!! Charles is walkin'!" [Y/N] says in her baby voice kissing his face. "How did you finally get him to do it Liam?" She asked me.

"I honestly can't tell you. I just took him out his walker and he started trying to take off on his own. I guess he knew he was ready." I explained.

"Well that's great Liam!" [Y/N] said. "My baby is finally mobile!" she excitedly clapped her hands.

"Can you walk to Dada Charles? Go ahead, walk to Dada." She stands him up and it takes him a quick second to get his balance together. after that he walked right towards me without any problems. It was amazing to see how quickly he learned, despite how behind he was in his development. Yeah it was hard watching how bored he was of not being able to get around on his own but he finally got to it. I snapped myself out of my thoughts When Charles stood in front of me trying to capture my attention.

"Nice job buddy, you get better every time." I chuckled. "Every time."

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