#110: Your Break-up (Part 2)

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"Thanks for taking me in Zayn." You sniffle giving him a big hug.

"Hey, it's nothing. I just finished heating up some coffee. You want any?" He asks.

"Yes please. Coffee sounds good." You smiled following him into the kitchen. He poured you a cup and put all your favorite sweeteners in handing it to you.

"So, tell me what happened. If it had anything to do with your asshole of a boyfriend I'm driving to his house and I'm choking him."


"I'm tired of watching you get horrible treatment from these guys [Y/N]. Seriously I hate seeing you upset. Tell me what's going on."

"N-Niall has been going out non-stop with his 'friends' for months and he's been leaving me home all by myself and I couldn't shake the feeling that he'd been cheating." You say starting to tear up.

"Was he?" He asked rubbing your thigh. You nodded and started to cry your eyes out. You didn't realize how hurt your feelings actually were about it until now.

"I caught his ass in the act too! They were having sex when I came in from work. I ripped her off of him and threw her out and then I packed my bags and left." You say wiping your eyes.

"[Y/N], I'm going to his house right now, and in teaching his punk ass a lesson. I'll be back you stay here and make yourself at home." He says throwing a jacket on and leaving.

"I hope Zayn doesn't hurt him too bad..." You whisper sipping your coffee.

Zayn came back in like an hour or so and he was all bruised up and his lip was busted.

"Oh my gosh...are you alright?!" You say immediately jumping up to examine his face.

"It's nothing [Y/N]."

"Did you and Niall fight?" You ask him.

"Did you lose?" You ask stroking his cheek with your thumb.

"Of course not, I tore his ass up. I at least called him an ambulance." He chuckled.

"Oh my gosh...can you drive me to the hospital? I need to see if he's alright."

"You want me...to drive you...to see your ex-boyfriend who slept around behind your back for weeks straight? You have got to be kidding me. You just came to me in tears because of him." He says.

"Zayn I'm sorry, I know what he did was wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm hooking up with him again. I just want to check if he's ok and that's the end of it. I'm not gonna associate with Niall." You sigh. 

"Ok fine. I'll drive you." He says.

"Thanks. Let me clean up your face first." You say taking his hand and dragging him to his kitchen. He sat up on his kitchen table you wet a rag you found in a kitchen drawer and you stood between his legs wiping the blood from his face.

"You know, I don't know why anyone would cheat on you [Y/N]. Everything about you is just so beautiful from the smile on your face to your chocolatey skin." He smiled stroking your cheeks.

"Thank you Zayn." You smile continuing to wipe his face clean. He embraced you into a soothing hug, just rubbing on your back and your sides.

You looked into his eyes, one black eye and it melted your heart knowing he would get himself beat up that bad over you. If that wasn't a man then you didn't know what was.

"You want me to get some ice on your eye?" You say making him nod. You went in his freezer and found ice to put on his eye and he lifts you up on his counter and you gently place the ice on his eye making him hiss in pain.

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