#157: Schizoprenia (Niall)

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**I don't know why but my human behavior/Psych class I take has been giving me a lot of  inspiration to write psychological based preferences and this would be the first one on my list. Enjoy!!!**

Niall had been gone all day working and you would've thought that he would've brought you with considering your circumstances right? Well apparently Niall wasn't thinking when he thought leaving you alone would be a good idea. Spirit number 3 and spirit number 5 have been bothering you all day whispering the most horrible things in your ears.

You had 10 different voices in all that pestered you but those two voices had to be the worst ones. Niall always gave you your medication and told you to ignore the voices but it never seemed to work even when the medicine kicked in.

"I already said...I don't have it..." you say curling into your comforter. Spirit number 3 was at it again, telling you to give him Niall's credit card pin. You weren't gonna do it though. You could never do that to your husband as much as you put him through every single day.

"Niall doesn't love you anyway [Y/N]..."

"Niall wouldn't care if you were Dead.." spirit 5 chimes in.

"That's not true! Niall loves me!" You yelled looking around. Cowards...they always hid from you but they were so quick to run their mouths about how Niall didn't love you. Literally every other day this went on in a cycle.

That wasn't even the worst part...there was always this animatronic character that resembled the chuck-e-cheese mouse and he went by Jerry.  From time to time Jerry appeared in your closet always stealing your things or popping up and scaring you senseless. You always told Niall that he got on your nerves the most but as always, he never believes you when you're telling the truth.

On an unrelated note, Spirits 3 and 5 were still bothering you so you took matters into your own hands and called Niall. After the first few rings he picked up the phone. He always did, but what you feared the most were the days where he would stop answering your calls and stop coming home.

You knew Niall was gonna leave you at some point because of your mental disorder, Spirit number 9 always said so. You were taken out of your thoughts when Niall called your name.

"[Y/N]...what's the matter baby..." Niall asks with evident worry in his voice.

"Ni...It's spirit 3 and 5...they keep telling me to steal from you a-and number 5 keeps on saying that you hate me...." you sniffle close to tears.

"Put me on speaker so I can have a talk with Spirit 3 and Spirit 5..." Niall sighs. He was sick of the "voices" messing with you and he knew this was the only way you'd become less paranoid is by dealing with it rather than telling you to shake it off.

"They're dangerous Ni...be careful."

"I'm not scared of them." He says making you smile.

"Spirit number 3 and Spirit number 5, This is Niall...[Y/N]'s husband. I'm gonna need you to leave my wife alone please. I get off work in a half hour and if I have to come home and say it again we're gonna have some real problems..."

"Tell em Niall!" You say happy that your husband had your back. Finally, he believed you about the spirits.

"I'll be home soon baby. If they keep
Talking to you, tell them I said they're gonna have to answer to me." He says.

"Ok...I don't think they'll be bothering me anytime soon. You did a good job scaring them off Ni."

"Good. Sit tight [Y/N], I'll be home soon." Niall hung up and you were pretty sure he was annoyed at you for calling him.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I like this?" You sighed hugging your knees to your chest.

"Why can't I be normal?" You laid on your side and your eyes widened the minute your head hit the pillow. Jerry was in your bed staring straight at you and all you could do was scream and run off.

You heard his foots steps running after you so you ran straight for the basement and hid where you knew he wouldn't find you...The laundry room. You decided to stay there until Niall got home. You were too scared to move.

Niall came in from work a half hour later like he promised and sighed immediately looking around for you since he knew you were pretty afraid. He went and checked the bedroom and was surprised to see you weren't there. When he saw that your bed spread was all over the floor he had a good feeling something happened.

"[Y/N]! Where are you?!" He yelled in the room. He knew your schizophrenic hallucinations were bad, but he didn't think it would cause you to run off. He searched the whole house for you almost in tears in fear that he wouldn't be able to find you.

He soon made his way to the basement and while looking for you, he got the police on the phone and over all the panic he heard sobbing coming from the Laundry room.

"When was the last time you saw your wife Mr. Horan?" The officer asks.

"Before I went to work...I think I know where she is now..." he opens the door and sees you shoved in a corner.

"Never mind officer, I found her." He sighs relieved before hanging up the phone.

"I told you to stay out of my closet!" You scream not paying Niall any mind.

"[Y/N], honey...what happened?"


"It's alright [Y/N], I'm here." He says slowly approaching you. He picked you up bridal style and held onto you tightly.

"The voices Niall! A-And Jerry!"

"Babe, The voices aren't real and Jerry especially isn't real all of these things are in your head [Y/N], I'm here now, you have nothing to be afraid of, I'm
Always gonna be here to protect you." He says looking you in your eyes.

"I'm gonna take you up to bed and I'm gonna bring you your medication. Ok?"

"Ok. Thanks Ni." You cuddled into his chest and he sighed carrying you up the steps.

"Why haven't you divorced me yet Niall? I'm crazy.... you deserve better."

"Hey! I don't wanna hear that [Y/N]!" He yells putting you down.

"You're not crazy, you're beautiful, you're smart, and you're the only woman for me. Don't you ever think that I'll leave you just because you have a mental disorder. I love you [Y/N], only you."

"I love you too Niall." You smiled giving him a hug.

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