#22: BSM: He defends you when you get picked on (Niall)

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You were a junior in high school and being cut from a different cloth, you always had problems with people at your school. You were often stereotyped and discriminated because of your skin. During the day you put on your most fake smile, but deep down you were extremely miserable and you told no one. You were the person who always kept to yourself. This one day you just completely lost it. You were walking home and the same guys who pick on you everyday decided it was cool to follow you home. Their names were Dean, Aaron, Sean, and Alex.

"Hey [Y/N] girl, you gonna get your hair did?" Aaron put his arm around you trying to sound black and you kept walking, aiming to ignore him.

"Can you get off me? I would like my shirt to stay clean." You say shrugging him off.

"Leave her alone man, she's trying to get home to her fried chicken." Dean laughed along with his friends.

"Hey [Y/N], is that any of your real hair?" Alex asks.

"Actually all of it is real." You answered. It was true, you had naturally long thick hair. It came down to at least mid back on you and you were proud to call it your hair.

"Oh well you wouldn't mind if I check right?" Sean reached into your scalp yanking your hair around and that's when you had enough. You back handed him so fast that he could've gotten whiplash.

"Leave me alone!!! I'm sick of telling y'all this every damn day!!! Why do you think it's cool to make fun of me? I don't know, but just stop ok? It's so annoying and it's just rude." You say in a fit of rage. "All of your mothers should have swallowed a waste of my damn time!" You turned on your heels and power walked half way up the street. That didn't stop them from following you.

"Yeah our Mom's should have swallowed [Y/N], but at least our dad's actually stayed." Aaron called out.

You stopped dead in your tracks and didn't move a mere inch. Hot tears ran down your face at remembering the horrible stories your mom and brother would tell you about your father. Apparently he left after your birth and wanted no part of you guys. It was a sad subject and the fact that they would even make a joke about it really got to you.

You took the heaviest breaths and stomped back over to him. You weren't just gonna take that.

"Well you know what? Even if my dad wasn't around at least he probably wasn't a horse. And you know what else, else?" You added.

"My mom seasoned my food, and she raised me not to be some spoiled kid who thinks they're better then everyone." He and his friends started to walk away.

"No, No, No, you not going no where I ain't finished. You finna catch the ultimate roast." You say taking your bag off.

"Y'all walk around like your parents ain't raised you right, you never match your clothes, you smell like you've never heard of a shower, and don't even get me started on how y'all act like you never heard of Chapstick....and to extend the list, you think the dumbest shit is funny, you have matted hair, and a pretty fucked up hair line, and to cut it off y'all waste your time following me around like your my paparazzi!! Like What's wrong with y'all? Long story short, y'all just ain't right. What you have to say about that?"

They stood in silence and just looked at you. Before your mind even caught up with the rest of your body, you found yourself getting beat on like you were some punching bag. The other guys threw rocks at you, all while saying more mean things about black people in general and it tore you to bits. You felt so hopeless and just started to cry. Just then a familiar car pulls up.

It was your older Brother Niall. It was hard to tell you guys were related because you both had different pigment, but the personalities made it obvious you were brother and sister.

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