#18: Your infant Son (Niall)

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A/N: Just a little quick background
Your Son's name was Ezrah and he was the best thing that has ever happened to you besides Niall. He was around almost 8 months old and he was such a sweet heart once he got used to you. There's not a single person that you know, that Ezrah wasn't comfortable with. He was your first born Baby and probably your last for a while. Niall got you pregnant when you guys were only 19. Best believe there were many ups and downs while trying to raise him but everything turned out alright.


You had the day off from work so you decided to spend it with your favorite half Irish and Half Nigerian son.
Ezrah sat playing with his toys on the floor while You sat in front of the TV waiting for Niall to get back from his day job. You stopped for a moment staring at the baby realizing how much Ezrah and Niall look alike. He happily squealed when he pressed a button on his toy and it lit up and made sounds. He heard you laughing at how happy he was and crawled over to you.

"Hey big man, what's up?" You cooed over him picking him up. You stood him up in your lap and he studied your facial features, poking at your lips and your nose.

"That's Mommy's nose!" You chuckled. "Where's Ezrah's nose?" You smiled. It was a game you played with him all the time. He loves when you ask him where his nose is. He puts his palm on his face right about where his nose is and gurgles.

"Yayyy!!! There's Ezrah's nose!" You enthusiastically cheer.

"Now show me Ezrah's ears!" You giggled kissing his button nose that almost resembled Niall's. He tapped his forehead and smiled.

"No silly, That's Ezrah's head!" You laughed watching him laugh away at how funny it was to him. He started to fuss at you and that rarely happened. He was always happy, and he was more calm, cool, and collected like his Dad.

"What's the matter stinker?" You lightly bounced the baby while he was chewing his fingers like they were the last things to eat on the globe.

"Are you hungry? You wanna get a snack while we wait for Daddy to come home?" He yelled back in response and you looked at the time seeing that Niall would be home in at least 15 minutes. You got up and carried him to the kitchen with you.

You sat Ezrah in the middle of the counter where you could see him and he didn't move an inch. You sorted through his special snack cabinet to see what you had left for him to eat.

"Now today on the Menu, we have Cheddar gold fish, Vanilla cereal puffs from Gerber, and our special is a Mango pudding grabber from Gerber. What would you like?" You say in your waiter voice. He smiles clapping his hands and reaching for the cereal puffs.

"Excellent choice sir. And to drink I'll be giving you your usual, which is Apple juice." You picked him up putting him in his mobile high chair, pushing him into the living room and turning on little bill for him. You fix his snack for him and bring it to the living room to feed to him. He started to whine and flail his arms around as he grew more impatient.

"Alright Mr. grabby, wait a minute." You laughed. Ezrah wasn't havin no sense of humor about that and he started to cry.

You leveled off the high chair just below your face level and poured a couple of his snacks on his tray and gave him his juice.

"Oh my gosh, your just like your father when it comes to eating...that's so ridiculous." You whisper more to yourself than the baby. Just then the front door opens and your boyfriend and his four friends come in.

"Hey [Y/N]!" Niall grinned kissing your cheek.

"Hey Niall, hey guys how are you?" You say greeting the boys.

"Good." They all answered back in unison.

"Hey Mini Me!" He smiles at Ezrah. He picks him up and he cries at the thought of being taken away from his snack.

"Hey, Stop all that noise." Niall playfully warns him gently poking his chest. That makes him cry more. His lower lip trembled and he rubbed his eyes. He reaches for me wanting my attention once more.

"Don't pick on my baby Niall." You chuckle holding your arms out. He sits the baby in your lap and he snuggles in your chest. "Yeah I know that wasn't nice, Daddy was mean for taking you from your snack like that." You kiss his cheek putting him back in his high chair.

"Oh please." Niall laughs at his son. "Ezrah you're ok, stop all that crying you're a big boy." Ezrah looked at Niall and gave him the little sad eyes...that was always a heart melter.

"Don't be sad baby," you picked him back up and wiped his tears. Niall gave you that look that was like "why you keep babying him"

"What can I say? He's a Mommy's boy. Also it's snack time and he's hungry." You say. The other boys sat smiling at the small boy on your arm.

"The lad really grew up on me." Louis chuckled. "I remember when he was fresh out the womb, learning how to open his eyes."

"Yeah, he's gotten big." Liam agrees. Ezrah stares at the guys talking about him and keeps eating his food.

"Hey bud, you ready to come to Daddy?" Niall holds out his hands offering to pick him up and Ezrah responds with the same gesture. "Yeah, that's it. I just wanted to see my little buddy." He smiles swaying and rubbing his back.

"My twin." Niall whispered to himself.

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