#150: VALENTINE'S DAY (Bonus Chapter)

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A/N: I know this is a day late but I thought I'd spread the love anyway❤️❤️❤️


"Smile baby!" You cooed trying to get Bernie to get his picture taken

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"Smile baby!" You cooed trying to get Bernie to get his picture taken. People magazine wanted to feature Bernie on the cover of their Valentine's Day issue and he was for the most part cooperating but that didn't mean he liked it.

"Mama..." he whines holding his arms out.

"You're alright honey. The camera man just needs a couple good pictures of you." You explain trying to calm him down.

"Babe we've been at this for almost an hour. I'm almost certain the little guy is over it." Louis says in his defense. "I mean look at him, he looks kind of miserable."

"The shoot is almost over anyway Louis, he'll be fine right?" A few moments later you watched Bernie sit down and start to cry in frustration.

"Come here baby, it's ok." You went on the set and picked him up and he was instantly fine.

"Mrs. Tomlinson, how about you be in the picture with him so that he'll be able to stay still." Says Rick the camera man.

"I'm not really dressed for the occasion..." you say.

"It's alright You have white on, I think it will work out." He says getting back behind the camera. After getting Bernard to smile you finally got some good pictures taken.

"There you go. See, it wasn't that bad huh baby?" Either way he was still pretty shy and he could only handle attention to a certain extent.

"Alright, lets go home so we can have our Valentine's Day." You smiled getting everything of his together before leaving. He sat on your hip and looked over your shoulder at Louis and he reached his arms out allowing Louis to grab him.

"It's ok buddy, you're alright. Mommy got you a Valentine's Day present, so I know you'll cheer up." He chuckled making him smile. The thought of you getting him something actually made him really happy and excited.

Once you guys got home and saw the kids in front of the TV you took out the bags and decided to surprise them with it.

"Hey guys, Happy Valentine's Day!" You gave Dorian and Kiara their specially designated bags and their faces lit up at seeing candy and a stuffed bear.

"Thanks Mommy!" Kiara giggles going to give you a hug. Dorian Thanked you as well and came and hugged you right after her.

"Thank Dad too. The candy is from him." You chuckled stating the obvious. It was now Bernie's turn to get his. You gave him the small bag and he smiled as wide as a smile could go when he saw a brown bear, holding a red heart in the bag.

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