#72: Ya'll get caught (¿?)

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Louis just so happened to be in one of the states that you travel to with your company on that same day that you were going to be there. When you got off of work for the day you and him decided to meet up so you could make up for some lost time.

"Louis are you crazy?" You asked continuing to let him touch you.

"So what if I am?" He chuckled kissing you in that sensitive spot on your neck.

"You share this room with Liam and Harry!!! Aren't you worried about getting caught?" You gasped when you felt him stick two fingers inside of you. You took that as a no.

Soon enough you felt him stick himself inside of you and he started to rhythmically move his hips in and out of you. Your loud moans filled the room and in that moment getting caught was the last thing on your mind.

When you heard the door open to the room you immediately started to get embarrassed. You saw Liam standing in the door way with his eyes wide open and his face blushed red in his own embarrassment at seeing you two like that.

"Wow...Um...I'm very sorry for walking into this, so now I'm just going to leave." He said locking the door and going back out. You and Louis started laughing at the look on Liam's face.

"Louis he was so red..." You say cracking up. You spent a few moments laughing about it and you and Louis quickly got back to work.


"Ugh, y-yes Daddy!" you moaned out in pleasure. The combination of Liam penetrating you, spanking you, and sucking on your boobs was a huge turn on.

"Now I bet you won't make fun of my multitasking anymore huh baby?" He cooed sloppily kissing you.

"Mmm, you're so good in bed." You whimpered as your breathing started to catch up with you. What made the sex even more intriguing was the fact that you were doing it in the guys' shared hotel room.

"Oh gosh...Liam, I'm getting close." You whined starting to grind yourself into him as he lifted your hips on and off of him. Just as you were about to hit it you heard a fit of laughter coming from Liam's bandmates.

"Y'all ain't right..." You said turning to look at them.

"Ugh, Yes Daddy!!!" You heard Harry mock you making everyone else laugh along. "Mmm, you're so good in bed." Louis chimed in trying to sound pitchy.

"No, No, No, Liam's was the funniest one!" Niall said cackling. "Now I bet you won't make fun of my multitasking anymore..." He mocked once again laughing with the other guys.

"Wait until I catch one of y'all beatin some pussy. Then we'll see who's gonna be laughing." You say making them actually fear you.


You and Niall were back stage in his dressing room after his concert and he was all tensed up and stressed even though it was all over. Let's just say you decided to help him blow of a little steam.

"You were good tonight babe, I'm so proud of you." You say being affectionate and loving on him.

"Thanks babe. You kind of gave me the encouragement just by being there, I really appreciate you." He says starting to kiss on you. He picked you up, carrying you and slamming you up against a wall. He tugged your leggings and panties to your thighs, lowering his own pants as well. He immediately went in giving you no time to adjust to his size.

"Ugh, shit Niall." You panted clawing at his back.

"Well you shouldn't have made me horny." He said. "That's what you get. Now you're going to suffer the consequences." He himself was groaning, and gripping on you as his mouth fell open.

"Damn, You have such a fat ass." He said squeezing your ass making you moan. Just then his door swung open.

"Hey Niall can I ask you a-WOAH...what is happening here?" You looked past Niall's shoulder and saw Louis looking at you and Niall up against the wall.

"I'm so telling all the guys about this." He snickered leaving the room. You and Niall quickly fixed yourselves and chased after Louis trying to convince him not to tell.


You came to visit Zayn while he was on tour and you two were up to your usual...casual tour bus sex. The two of you were in his bunk kissing, and touching each other.

"You have to be quiet [Y/N] we don't want any of the boys to hear us now do we?" He teased your entrance circling his fingers within your folds. All you you do was look at him as if to ask him to take things further.

"I said, we don't want any of the boys to hear us now do we?" He repeated himself. "Answer me or your not getting any." He said with an evil grin sat on his plump lips, as he rubbed harder.

"No baby, we don't." You manage to silently cry out.

"Good answer baby girl." He stopped rubbing and immediately entered you starting out slow and deep. The feeling of it was euphoric. You tried your best not to moan aloud so you stick your face into Zayn's shoulder letting out brief pants. You heard the footsteps of the boys and your heart started to race.

"Eww they're doing it...Again!" Niall said making you giggle beneath Zayn.

"You guys are the weirdest couple ever, having sex on the bus...like come on guys really?" Louis added. You and Zayn smiled at each other, continuing and you didn't stop until you guys were satisfied.


"Mmm..." You hummed into his mouth biting on his lower lip. He hungrily kissed you harder, holding your face like it was a quarter pound burger.

"I don't know if we should do this,
here." Harry says between heavy breaths. You were in his hotel room straddled in his lap on the couch.

"Please baby, I missed you." You whined getting into his pants. He didn't even bother stopping you. You were the only woman he'd been with that could literally drop his pants in under 5 seconds.

You started to grind yourself into him making his mouth fall open. You kissed from his lips and trailed down to his neck where he was extra sensitive.

"[Y/N]..." He groaned, literally choking on his own moans.

"[Y/N]." He said in a slightly more serious tone.

"What's the matter baby?" You asked pecking his lips. His eyes were wide, and his pupils were dilated...it was only a look he took on when he was embarrassed. When you turned to see what he was looking at, all the guys were behind you two trying not to laugh.

"You.Saw.Nothing." Harry whispered.

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