#140: FAMILY SERIES (Christmas day)

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You opened your eyes before yawning and stretching out your limbs you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and noticed that it was quiet and almost 9am.

"That's strange...the kids aren't awake. Bernie especially would be up by now." You say aloud waking your husband next to you.

"Hey baby, Merry Christmas." He smirked trying to kiss you but you stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that.... I have some bad morning breath." You giggled.

"Who cares? So do I." He says kissing you anyway.

"Now Louis...let's go see if our children are awake yet. It's a little to quiet for my liking." You joked getting out of bed.

"I'll check on Bernie and you check on Dorian and Kiara?" You say making him nod in agreement. You opened the door to your son's nursery to see him sitting up in his crib with tears in his eyes and his pacifier hanging from his lips.

"Hey sweetie, are you ok?" You asked gently picking him up. You noticed that his diaper leaked and now his clothes were all wet and gross.

"Aww, I know it doesn't feel good to wake up wet and dirty huh Bernie?" You say stripping him down and laying him on his changing table. Just then Louis and the kids came in saying Merry Christmas.

"Hey guys! Merry Christmas!" You say as each of your oldest kids hug you. As soon as you start paying more attention to them Bernie starts to cry.

"Ok, let me get your brother situated and I'll be down in a few minutes." You say.

"Ok Mom!" They both say in unison heading out the room with Louis following behind them. After giving Bernie a quick bath and getting him into a fresh diaper and pajamas you were finally able to make it downstairs.

"Ok guys were ready. Pick out something to open first. You say hoping Dorian especially opened that drone Louis got him. You were gonna scream if you had to hear another word about that drone. Same with Kiara about that baby doll she wanted.

"To: Kay from Mommy and Daddy..." Kiara read out loud neatly ripping opening the wrapping paper. She smiled all big and immediately gave you and Louis a big hug.

"Wow, Thanks Mommy and Daddy! You got me the new baby alive doll!" She said with a big smile. You had to give your kids credit, you had some of the most grateful kids a parent could ask for.

"Open yours Dorian, let us see what you got." Louis says.

"What is it dad?" Dorian asked being curious.

"You'll find out if you open it!" Louis laughs making his son smile. Dorian tore the paper open and nearly cried when he saw that Louis had gotten him a drone. He was emotional just like his Mom, which would be you."

"Thank you so much dad, it looks awesome! Can we fly it today?" He asks.

"It has to charge for a while bud. When it's fully charged I'll take you to the park to fly it. How's that sound?"

"Sounds great!" Dorian says excitedly.

"Can I come too? I wanna watch." Kiara asks.

"Of course you can. It would be no fun without you!" Dorian says making his sister smiled. The next hour consisted of opening gifts and talking about them. You were pretty sure your kids had a very decent Christmas.


In your sleep you felt someone gently massaging your back and you knew it was Liam. You woke up from your rest in a happy mood and looked at your husband.

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