#103: You have twins (Niall)

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Everyone was always on you and Niall's case about your girls, Amari(right) and Ansley(Left). People perhaps thought you were cheating just because they looked remarkably different. In many interviews Niall would confirm that both kids are by him but no one ever believed it, not even for one second. Not to mention, you alone received endless hate because your daughters were different races, and because you yourself weren't the typical white girl that everyone wishes Niall had married.

They were the cutest girls ever, so it was kind of hard to let hate and racist comments bring you guys down. On the bright side, there were people who loved them despite how different they are. Plus, it's easy for you and Niall to be able to tell them apart. The nice people in the fandom even made up a funny trend called #AAbatterytwins. It was pretty ridiculous how fast it trended and how popular it was. As far as the memes everyone made about them...you've never seen something so funny.

You came in the door from work laughing at yet, another meme about your girls to see them playing with their dad. You walked over and stood behind the couch, arms crossed, smiling at the three of them.

"Hey babe!" He says getting up to hug you. Amari and Ansley snapped their heads towards you and toddled over.

"Hey Mari, hey Ansley!" You say picking them up.

"How are my babies today? Did you have fun with daddy today?" They nodded their heads resting on your shoulder.

"I'm so glad you did! Who's ready to have eat eats?" You ask getting excitement from both girls. You walked into the kitchen starting to fix something on the stove and Niall leaned in the doorway smiling.

He walked towards you and gripped you into a spine crushing hug.

"So how did the girls do today?" You ask.

"Well, Nap time went well, I was able to get them to sleep on my own." He smiles proudly.

"That's good Niall. Any other accomplishments?" You giggled.

"Not really that's about it. It was a good day and I'm glad I got alone time with my girls." He smiled.

"I'm glad you did too. They love you Ni." You laugh looking around him to see both of them reaching for him.

"They're probably gonna be all over me for a while huh?" Niall chuckles.

"Yup. That means mommy gets more relax time for a while." You say kissing his cheek. Niall looked at you sideways and squinted towards you.

"I'm kidding babe. Go chill until I'm done with the food."

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