#61: Christmas series Part 3: Your Traditions

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On Christmas Eve you always sit and open one present under the tree since its Louis' birthday. You even make cute holiday cookies, and watch movies and cuddle all day. That was your favorite part since you got to spend a lot of time with him.


Every year you and Liam take the kids and go around to your family members houses and you have dinner or whatever They're serving. You even stay a minute while the kids play with their cousins and so you and the old heads can catch up.


You fly with Niall over to Ireland and you stay with his mom. You usually go before the 20th because that's when both of you get off of your jobs. Niall's Mom always invited the rest of the family over and cooked dinner for you all.


You and Zayn's relatives come together and have sort of a reunion type thing and you always book it somewhere different. You thought of the idea when you caught onto Zayn's homesickness and decided to try and bring his family to him since he liked staying with you in America.


You and Harry cook a turkey together and you just split it between the two of you. You have a couple guests over here and there but nothing more. On certain occasions you do a little last minute shopping and that's about it.

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