#94: You have Twins (Zayn)

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You guys recently had two little girls named Mia and Paris. They were about 4 months old now and they just became more and more grown everyday. You were knocked out for most of the day and you were just waking up in the middle of the afternoon. You walked down the steps to see Zayn sat in front of the girls.

"Hey baby, good morning!" You say sitting beside him. The two little babies were in their bouncing seats.

"Peek-a-boo!!!" He coos taking his hands from his face. Both the girls laugh and they pause as soon as they see him cover up his face again.

"Peeeeeek-a-boo!" He says again making the girls laugh loudly once again.

"Hey babe." He smiled kissing your head.

"Thanks for finally noticing I was sitting here." You joked. "What are my babies doin?" You giggled smiling at them.

"Hey Mia girl, good morning!" You smiled laying about a thousand kisses on her caramel, rosie cheeks. Paris started grabbing for you and you leaned over and kissed her head. "Mommy didn't forget you Paris, yeah, your Mommy's other baby girl!" You smiled tickling her belly.

"Did they eat yet?" You asked.

"They ate at 8 and they just finished eating at 11. Both feeds they had at least 8 ounces." He said picking Paris up.

"My gosh...are they having a growth spurt?" You asked a bit worried. "They don't usually eat that much, they take around 2-4 ounces." 

"They must be. Paris is starting to get all long." He chuckles standing her up in his lap. She put her fingers in her mouth and smiled. 

"She gets the long legs thing from you Zayn. I'm only 5'2." You chuckled picking up Mia. She smiled widely babbling incoherently almost as if she tried to use words.

"Hey Monkey, Monkey Mia!!!" You playfully sang bouncing her in your lap.  "Oooo...you stinky too."

"Is Paris stinkin?" You asked. "Check that baby Zayn." He lifted her closer to smell her.

"Woah..." Zayn held her with extended arms and she kicked her chunky legs around. "Oh yeah we got two little stinky babies." He chuckled. You took the two of them up to the nursery and laid them down. Paris started getting all fussy and Zayn tried to hush her.

"It's alright poopy pants Look at the bunny, you see the bunny rabbit? Yeah?" Zayn cooed trying to distract her with her favorite stuffed toy.

"Babe you ain't right..." You say laughing, and unbuttoning Mia's onesy.

"Stinky butt, stinky butt girl!" He sang making her laugh.

"Ooooo....My gosh Mia, you STINK. You don't stink, you STANK." You say trying not to crack up. You cleaned her up and smiled as Zayn gently held Paris by her ankle and fanned her with a dry diaper.

"Yeah, does that feel good?" He cooed smiling and kissing her little head. You picked Mia up and stood there smiling as he played around with her.

"We're moving them back down to 4 ounces Zayn...that was terrible." You say laughing.

"Yeah. You two hear your mother? No more stinky butts." He says leaving the room with Paris, and you following behind him. You smiled at how cute he was with his girls.

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