Tired (Harry) Part 2

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It's about time I posted the 2nd part😩😩😂 I forgot all about it for a minute. Enjoy!!!
The following night after, you were just about ready to go. Julius texted you saying he was on his way to pick you up, and it's been a while so you knew he would be there at any minute. Lucious picked just about the perfect time to start fussing around and you couldn't figure out what he was so mad for.

Just then you heard someone knock on the door. "[Y/N] it's me, open up." It was Julius, as usual. You let him in and you had the most finished look on your face.

"Wow, the little guy isn't in a very good mood..." He said rubbing his ear.

"I know, sorry he's so loud. I don't really know what his problem is. He's been like this for the past half hour and I'm not gonna leave until he's calm." You sighed sitting on your old bed.

"Pooh, you gotta get it together. Mommy's ready to go."

"You look so bothered [Y/N]

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"You look so bothered [Y/N]." He said holding back his laugh.

"Oh nahh, everything's fine. It's not like there's an apartment somewhere that we've been preparing to move into or anything." You laugh rolling your eyes at him.

"Are you hungry Pooh? Huh?" You pouted your lips out making him scrunch his face up, as he started to scream again.

"I know, I know stop whining." You laughed rubbing his back.

"Here Julius take him. I'll be right back." He looked confused while holding the baby out with extended arms. You just shook your head at him and ran down the steps.

You got everything together and started to put the baby's food together when you heard a familiar voice.

"Hello [Y/N]." You looked up and you weren't shocked at all to see Harry.

"What is it now Harry?" You asked slightly annoyed.

"I just wanted to say you look beautiful right now." You looked at him all crooked considering he's never nice to you.

"What do you want, Harry." You say getting more annoyed by the second. You weren't buying what he was trying to sell.

"Seriously Harry stop with the act, Lucious needs me right now and I don't have all damn night." You say.

"Ugh, I just couldn't help but over hear what you and Julius were talking about yesterday, but ummm...did I hear you say you were leaving?" You froze not really sure of what to say to him.

"Well? I asked you a question, bitch." He said giving you that annoying mean stare.

"Harry leave me alone. I don't have to explain myself to you." You scoffed turning away from him. He grabbed you by your shoulder, and turned you around to face him.

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