#55: Another guy has feelings for you

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You knew Harry had his eye on you since the day Louis introduced you to everyone. He was always being flirty with you when Louis wasn't around but you couldn't do Louis like that, you're better than that and you love him.

Harry was a pig when it came to you. He always looked at your behind when you passed him, he would look at your chest when you spoke to him, and it was disgusting. The only one who failed to notice was Louis himself.

"Hey you." You looked behind you in annoyance seeing the brown curls, and that set of green eyes.

"What Harry?" You sighed.

"Wow, someone's moody today. What's the matter cupcake?" He says breathing his hot breath down your neck. It was only attractive when Louis did it. Harry just made you feel disgusted.

"Harry, back up off me. I'm already with Louis and it's not changing anytime soon." You say moving away.

"I know you're with Louis, no need to remind me [Y/N]." He immediately changed his attitude towards you when Louis stepped in the room.

Why you haven't said anything to Louis about Harry's flirting yet? They were best friends and you didn't need a man to defend you. You could handle yourself for the most part.

When Louis was gone Harry snaked his hand up your torso and started touching your boobs. You never got up so fast in your life. You went right up to him and socked him into the next week.

"I wish you would touch me like that, pigs like you make me sick." You stomped heavily down the hallway and all you could hear was Harry calling after you, talking about how much he loved you.

"Ugh...disgusting." You whisper going to find Louis.


Once again Niall was texting you about how you make him feel. He knew you were already dating Liam so you didn't understand why he continued to text you these things. You ignored him most of the time and when you did he called you multiple times. It got to a point where it was just plain creepy.

Niall: [Y/N] baby, why aren't you answering my texts?

Niall: are you alright?

Niall: do I need to call someone?

He was sending you message after message to you and you started to get bothered by it.

You: Niall calm tf down...I was in the shower.

Niall: oooooo send me a pic!😏😏

You: bye Niall.

Niall: No, baby girl I was kidding...

Niall: you're beautiful the way you are. You body doesn't matter to me.

You: ok, Still bye. I have a boyfriend.

You ended up blocking him on your phone and it was like a big weight had came off your shoulders. You showed Liam the disturbing messages and in no time he was on his way to Niall's house.

You were relieved but at the same time you didn't want anyone hurt. The way Niall acted with you almost reminded you of how Liam was always in your messages when he tried to admit his feelings to you.


"[Y/N]!!! I'm so glad you're here!!!" Louis says hugging you tightly. He was throwing this huge party and it was no shock to anyone that he invited you. For the longest time Louis had taken a liking to you and everyone knew about it including Niall. He was well aware of Louis' crush on you but decided to spare him.

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