#123: Kidnapped (Liam)

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A/N: Halle Berry's new movie looks HOT.... I'm definitely gonna have to go see it when it's out, but I just thought I'd share the trailer with y'all. When I saw the trailer I just had to do a preference based off of it. So I hope y'all like it✌🏾️😌😏

It was just you and your baby girl Nadene for a long time. One day Liam just picked up his whole life and left, he didn't tell you where he was going or why he was leaving, he just left. And you never saw him again which was very strange to you...its been haunting you since Nadene was just barely a few months old and now that she's about to be 5 and starting kindergarten you've been kind of trying to forget Liam.

It was a sunny day in Los Angeles and Nadene had been begging you for a while to take her to the playground. After finally saying yes to her, she grabbed her favorite stuffed dog that Liam gave her before he left, and got into the car.

"Mommy brownie told me to tell you Thank you for letting us go play!" She giggled showing you the dog. You smiled in your rear view mirror at your little girl.

"Tell brownie I said you're welcome." You chuckled. "I didn't know brownie could talk."

"He always talk Mommy." She giggled hugging the toy all tight. You continued to have a conversation with her until you pulled up to the playground and helped Nadene out of the car and you let her run free to go play. You always made sure you were able to see her at all times.

She was the most important person in your life and you were always there to protect her no matter what.

"Mommy watch this!" She giggled excitedly, going down a slide.

"Good job Nae!" You chuckled holding up your hand to high five her.

"I wanna try the big girl slide Mommy!" She says pointing to the big swirly slide.

"Ok, come on Nae. Don't forget your brownie." You say picking up the toy off the ground to give to her. She ran up the steps and smiled at you and you took a picture of her cute self. She went down the big slide and you smiled and gave her a hug when she came down.

After a while of watching her run around you noticed she kept disappearing. You tried your best to keep up but it got to a point where she was nowhere to be seen.

"Nae!" You yelled not sure where she could have ran off to. You looked in the playground equipment to see if she was hiding from you and she still wasn't there.

"Nadene....Nadene! Please don't hide from mommy, I need to be able to see you..." You say looking behind trees. You still couldn't find her and it was starting to worry you. You saw a couple talking by the swing set and decided to ask them for help.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but have y'all seen a little lightskin girl, about 3 feet tall, her hair is curly and it's brown. This is her!" You say showing them your lock screen.

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