#126: Your Daughter (Zayn)

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"Alright wake up baby, we're here!" Zayn cooed gently tapping Adelina's leg

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"Alright wake up baby, we're here!" Zayn cooed gently tapping Adelina's leg. He smiled when she opened up her eyes and stretched.

"Hello my beautiful girl!" He smiled unbuckling her from the car seat. Her pacifier fell on the seat beside her when she yawned and she quickly started getting upset.

"Alright, calm down you're ok." He said laying her on the seat so he could quickly change her diaper. "Daddy's gonna clean you up so you can eat when we go in." Fay Fay began to giggle when the cold wipes touched her skin and Zayn chuckled getting a new diaper on her.

He put her in the car seat so that he could pull her cute mint green stroller out the trunk. He reclined it back just how she liked it and put her in throwing the diaper bag over his shoulder. She kicked her chunky legs around and screamed and Zayn realized he almost left her pacifier.

"You didn't think I would forget did you?" He smiled peaking in and making her smile.

"Alright let's go." He said popping her pacifier in her mouth. Zayn agreed to meet up with the guys for lunch and he ended up having to bring the baby since you had to be at work. The guys had already gotten a table and their faces all lit up when they saw the baby stroller.

"Hey guys it's nice to see you!" Zayn says hugging and greeting the guys. While the guys sat down and started talking amongst themselves Fay Fay started crying and kicking.

"What's the matter baby girl? You don't like being ignored?" He said picking her up from her stroller.

"You wanna get her a high chair so she can feel included in the conversation?" Harry joked.

"No, she can't fully sit up on her own yet." Zayn laughs rocking her.

"She's so cute Zayn, now I know why there's like...no pictures of her online." Niall smiled playing with her small feet.

"Yeah, ever since [Y/N] had her, we've been kind of keeping a low profile because no ones ever seen her face up close like that except you guys and very minimal people." He explains.

"Gosh, you would think she's the First Lady or something." Niall says laughing making the others start laughing. The baby started to smile and all eyes were on her.

"What's so funny precious? Huh?" Liam coos making the dimples in her cheeks show.

"I'm sure she's probably hungry, so I'm gonna put her down and fix her food." He said gently setting her in the stroller.

"Gosh, I can only imagine the amount of sleep you've been getting with her in the house." Louis chuckles.

"That would be none...[Y/N] and I go to bed at 9 and she cries at 10 to eat, then she cries at midnight, then at 3 am, and then she's awake awake by 5 am. But I think it's because she naps so much during the day." He shrugs.

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