#130: Kidnapped (Liam) Part 4

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**Previously on Kidnapped**

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but have y'all seen a little lightskin girl, about 3 feet tall, her hair is curly and it's brown. This is her....."

•••••••••••••••••••••"Listen to me, I don't care what it takes or how long it takes, but as long as you have my daughter in that car, I will always be right behind you

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"Listen to me, I don't care what it takes or how long it takes, but as long as you have my daughter in that car, I will always be right behind you. I will not stop, until you give me my baby...."
"Please Zayn, can you help me..."
"I wasn't trying to be funny [Y/N]...but I was saying what if him disappearing is tied into your daughter's kidnapping....."

"Look Liam, I know this whole gang life obviously changed you, but when it comes to the ones you love you need to make a choice...you're either gonna let Nae go and just not get this so called "respect" title you've been telling me about, or you're gonna stab your baby mother and your child to death. So I need to know now, what's it gonna be Liam?"

"Payne she's got a point. It's either us or them." Liam looked from the little girl to his gang members and he wasn't sure who he wanted to choose.


"Hello! Earth to Liam!" You yelled shaking him from his thoughts. He looked around between everyone that was waiting on his answer and all eyes were on him.

"Mommy, I'm scared...I-I wanna go home." You heard your daughter sniffle. At this point you weren't sure what Liam's decision was but you sure hoped he was gonna make the right choice. He took one last look around before clearing his throat.

"[Y/N]..." You looked up at Liam and he sighed.

"I'm sorry..." If those guys weren't holding you back there's a number of things you would be doing to him right now. The guys grabbed Zayn too and he tried to fight them off but failed. As they took you guys away to be tied up you heard Nadene start to cry again.

"Hey, I thought I told you not to make another sound!" Liam yelled in her face. She kicked the cage when he got near her and she really didn't care.

"Kick at me one more time little girl...I dare you..." He said whispering the last part. Nadene was no dummy, she knew not to do anything to get her hurt, but she knew what she could do to get out of that cage.

"I don't like you!" She yelled at him. Little did she know hearing those words pricked Liam's heart. Hearing a little girl, let alone his own little girl say something like that to him made him feel some type of way. Nadene's honesty only opened up a mixture of hurt and anger within Liam.

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