#23: (¿?) He's a Massage Therapist (Zayn)

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Your husband Zayn had a part time job giving therapeutic massages and you had no problem with the job until women started to find out about his business. He never came onto them or anything, they were always the ones coming onto him and you hated it. On the bright side he stayed loyal to you no matter how many women came through his office a day. You really didn't like having to share your husbands healing hands with other women but it was part of his job...what else could you do?

One day he came home from work and you were oddly silent and that disturbed him. You were in the kitchen fixing dinner for you and him.

"Hey [Y/N], what's cooking? Smells good." He smiles coming and hugging you from behind admiring your curves.

"Um...lemon chicken and I'm making your favorite pasta dish." You smiled stirring the pot of angel hair noodles.

"Mmm, sounds yummy." He chuckled.

"Yeah. So how was work?" You ask him.

"It was good." He sighs already knowing where you were going with this.

"Oh was it? Meet any women on the job? Maybe women who aren't colored or thick." You say in anger starting to raise your voice.

"[Y/N], would you stop it?!" He said putting his jacket on the back of his chair.

"Oh so you did? How is she? What's her name?" You ask him. 

"[Y/N], knock it off." He says almost yelling at you and he barely yelled. Ever.

"Not until you ask that bitch how my pussy tastes." You yelled turning to face the stove. Zayn didn't answer back to that. He just went upstairs to change out of his scrubs like he usually does and he went in the living room.

You were honestly furious. This happened every time you met a guy and grew to love him. They would always find someone who was white, and also happened to be way smaller than you and it really hurt. But you didn't think it was gonna happen while you were married. You started to sniffle and silently cry so that Zayn wouldn't acknowledge you but that didn't work. You heard him come to the kitchen and he turned you around and just hugged you.

"It's alright baby, I'm not ever gonna leave you. You don't ever have to worry about me going anywhere. I prefer my women dark and thick anyway." He laughed hugging you and massaging your butt.

"Ooooo, Keep doing that, that feels good." You laugh.

"You want me to keep going? How about we turn this off..." He reached behind you turning the burner off. "...and we can go upstairs and let you critique my massage skills?" You nodded. Sometimes he worked from home and did acupunctures, and skin wax treatments. He took you to his massage room and disrobed you down to your panties and made you lay on the Massage table.

Laying a white sheet over you from the waist down, he smothers his hands in massage oils and starts kneading your back lightly, and immediately got to work. He dug deep circles into your back, and caresses your sides with his thumbs almost as if he was sculpting clay. He gently moves his elbow up and down your spine making you feel so relaxed.

"Zayn, where did you learn this?" You ask mesmerized by the movement of his hands.

"Training courses, Duh." He laughed continuing his work on your upper back. As you got more and more relaxed he leaned down and started to lay light sloppy kisses on your neck, and breathe his hot breath down the back of your neck.

"Do you treat all your clients like this? Zayn..." You said trying not to sound annoyed, But you couldn't help it. It became a huge turn on.

"Nope only my number one client. And that would be my beautiful wife, [Y/N] Malik." He chuckled in your ear biting at the lobes.

"Alright moving onto the other side..." He turns you over and starts with your thighs. "You see babe NONE of my clients get this. Just you." He smiles slowly making his way down to your calves and then the soles of your feet. You could feel the sexual tension rising as he started to get more of the sensitive places while he was massaging you.

He started with your boobs, and slowly worked his way down saving the best for last. Moving aside your panties, He stuck two fingers inside of you, and he curved his fingers to try to serve the same purpose as a massage.

"Mmm..." You hummed putting your hands on your face, trying to hide your pleasure.

"You like that?" He chuckled at you keeping his pace.

"Oh gosh I'm getting close," you whined gripping Zayn's shoulders. He didn't stop moving his fingers until you let yourself go all over his fingers.

"Thank you." You say heavily breathing trying to contain yourself.

"When I'm doing massages remember, only you get this treatment." He smiled leaving you to gather yourself.



How was it?

I honestly don't know where I thought of the idea to make this nigga a massage Therapist TBH...but here's the update.

Requests? Comment.

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