#149: Your Daughter (Niall)

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A/N: just a random throwback from a draft I never posted. Alright, carry on.

Bottom line, Naliyah was a little sweetie pie

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Bottom line, Naliyah was a little sweetie pie. She loved to be cuddled and held and for the most part she was very friendly with everyone she met. She was a little Mommy's girl too, a clingy little thing.

Niall woke up from his sleep noticing that your side of the bed was empty and sat up confused. Hearing the shower water in your bedroom bathroom was enough for him to tell that you didn't divorce him over night. It was your first day going back to work since you were pregnant and he'd completely forgotten. He looked towards the foot of the bed and saw Naliyah fast asleep closer to Him. He smiled at the fact that she was curled up next to him so that he could see his baby girl when he first got up.

Niall sat and happily watched his 8 month old daughter sleep until she opened her little brown eyes. She started to scoot herself up, but Niall met her half way and cuddled her up to him and he chuckled.

"Good morning Liyah! Did you sleep good?" He smiled. She smiled back as Niall laid her on his bare chest.

"I like how mommy left me to deal with your stinky diaper. I was about to not change you at all since you were sleepin." He said making her laugh. She kicked her chunky legs around and Niall lifted her over his head so he could blow her kisses.

"Aww, you're so fat and happy. You're daddy's little fat mama." He chuckled kissing her cheeks. She began to fuss and whine instantly making him remember she hasn't been changed or fed for that matter.

"Ok chunky butt, I got you." He sighed getting up and going to change her diaper. After she was cleaned up he quickly went to the kitchen and got to making her a bottle. She yelled and screamed at Niall making him bounce her around to settle her.

"Ok baby, it's coming." He reassured her taking the bottle from its spot in the warmer. She watched impatiently as Niall shook up her bottle some more and started to cry squirming around.

"Ok, stop your crying and open up." He chuckled placing the bottle in her little mouth and let her hold it.

"Impatient. Just like Mommy." He sighed looking down at his precious baby. Speaking of, you came downstairs in your work clothes.

"You excited for your first day back at work?" Niall asked.

"Very. I'm gonna miss my baby though." You admit kissing Naliyah's head.

"Don't worry [Y/N], she'll be home with me waiting for you when you get off work." He smiled giving you a reassuring look.

"Make sure she has some cereal when she's done. The bottle won't fill her up." You explained getting your bags together.

"Got it."

"Oh, and make sure she's down for her nap by 12:30. It doesn't take her long to doze off." You say.

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