Author's Note 4

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Yo I'm not gonna lie, that last chapter I wrote was always My mom and I when I was a kid. I can't even tell y'all how hard I laughed while writing it tbh...Like fr fixing my face in like 5 seconds was the hardest task to ever enter my life😂😂😂 and I was always in the store getting gripped up too

The worse part had to be tryna hold myself together.

Anyway I'm trying my best to think of more preferences on my own but I'm starting to catch writers block. So if y'all don't mind I was gonna ask if some people could start leaving me some suggestions in the comments. That should get me up and running more often. Whatever y'all want it's really up to y'all what I should write about at this point.

So until I get some ideas sent in remain patient with me as I try to think of something on my own. Thanks guys

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