#125: Your Daughter (Liam)

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I never finished these prefs until now so... Here's to a quick TB

 Here's to a quick TB •••••••••••••

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The Late Late show interview

"She's a sweet little thing." Liam explains kissing Zieyah's head. "She also smells nice today." Liam chuckles sitting her protectively in his lap.

"Aww she's a beautiful baby." James smiled waving to her. Zieyah sat and looked at him smiling.

"I've heard you and little Zieyah have had quite the adventures together." He smiles.

"Oh yeah, Zie goes everywhere with me. She never likes to leave me alone." He chuckled as the crowd laughed.

"So she's a little daddy's girl huh?" Liam smiled nodding in agreement. "Well except for when she's hungry, I have no breasts to feed her so she gets mad at me sometimes."

"Do you enjoy being a father so far?" He asks laughing at Liam's answer to the last question.

"I do James. Nothing compares to being home all day with my girl watching tv and getting spit up on every once in a while." He laughs making Zieyah laugh with him.

"You wanna see her?" He asks.

"Aww of course." Liam placed her in James' lap and he smiled at the baby. "Hey precious, how are you today?" Zieyah's arms start to wave around as she happily bounced around on James' lap.

"She's a happy baby. Is she like this with all new people?"

"Definitely not. I'm surprised she was so easy going with you. It took her a real long time to warm up to the guys." He chuckled. After sitting in James' lap for a few minutes while him and Liam talked Zieyah started to reach for Liam crying.

"Alright Alright, calm down pumpkin, daddy's right here." He said trying to get her to calm down.

"Sorry about that. Sometimes she gets a little anxiety." He smiled bouncing Zieyah on his knee.

"Aww it's ok." He smiles at the baby being understanding.

"How did the world react to you and [Y/N] having a biracial baby at first?" James asks.

"Well at first it sparked a lot of controversy. People found it very unbelievable that Zieyah was even my daughter for a while but all of that is still in the simmering process." He says stroking Zieyah's brown cheeks.

"Like just a couple weeks ago I had took Zieyah to the bank with me, and she started fussing so I put her carrier up on the counter so that I could rock her and try to calm her down while I was making my deposits and finishing up entering in the payments on the house and the lady behind the counter looks at her and she smiles. That's where she had me fooled at first." Liam chuckled about to get on the part that angered him.

"Oh my, what happened?"

"She looks at Zieyah for a minute and after she's all calmed down, she looks at me and she says 'She's so adorable. Where did she come from?'." Liam sat with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Well...that's really impolite...but what did you say to her?"

"I smiled at her and I said to her, 'You know, I got married to a woman outside of my race, and my wife and I loved each other so much that we did some things and voila, here she is!'." The crowd laughed at seeing the calm smile on Liam's face. James laughed clutching his temples.

"Well I know she definitely got the memo after that." James chuckled.

"Yeah she did. No one can look at Zieyah and try to tell me that she isn't my daughter. Even though she has kind of a Mary j blige skin tone compared me, you can always look her in her face and see that she's like her daddy." He says hugging her to his chest and kissing her head.

"Oh yeah I've seen her pictures on Twitter, she literally has your whole face and her mother's outside characteristics. It's a beautiful mixture." James smiled at Zieyah who began reaching for him again.

"Oh you wanna come back to me after I gave you anxiety?" James says standing up and holding her on his hip. Zieyah widely smiled and tried to touch James' face but James playfully pretended to bite Zieyah's fingers. He kissed Zieyah on her cheek and smiled.

"My gosh she looks just like you Liam." James smiled giving her back.

"Thank You mate." He smiled at his little girl grabbing a handful of his shirt.

"Now, I got a little something for the baby since I knew she was as gonna be on the show tonight..." He reached behind him and pulled out a plush giraffe with sunglasses and a leather jacket on it with Late Late stitched to the neck.

"Look at that pumpkin, you see the giraffe?" Zieyah happily screeched and put it in her mouth as soon as James handed it to her.

"Thanks man. I'm pretty sure no one is gonna be able to get that away from her." He laugh rocking Zieyah.

"That's not all, I also had a little snap suit custom made for her. She can fit a size 3-6 months right?" He asks.

"Just about. She's about to be 4 months old." He says sitting her chubby figure on his knee.

"What do we say to Uncle James Yaya?" Zieyah looked at you crooked making the crowd laugh.

"Go on baby, give hugs." He says putting her in James' lap. She waved her small chubby arms around and leaned on him.

"Aww." Liam smiled proudly at Zieyah. "You love James Zie?" She giggled continuing to rest on him.

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