#167: Assassin's Creed (Harry) Pt. 3

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A/N: To close out Harry week, here is the final part to Assassin's creed.

You woke up to a bright light in your face. You were strapped down to a chair with rope and other forms of restraints and all you could do was sigh. There was seriously no point in trying to escape.

When your vision started to clear, in front of you stood the one and only man, myth and the legend, Zayn Malik. You were really confused as to why he particularly captured you and chose to keep you hostage, but at the same time you knew it was somehow tied to your grandfather.

"Ok Zayn, Why?"

"Because you're beautiful." He chuckled taking you by your chin.

"Try a different explanation." You scoffed.

"Oh, you got me..." he mocked circling you like a vulture. "See [Y/N], your great grandfather, as you probably already know, was one of the worlds greatest assassins that ever lived..."

"Yeah, Yeah I know. Now cut to the chase, why am I here?" You asked impatiently.

"You wanna know why I captured you? Well get this, your grandfather was the very man who assassinated my father. An innocent man who had taken the fall for a crime he didn't commit..."

"Well, what was that crime?" You asked curiously.

"When you were 7 years old, do you remember the day you watched your father get shot down in DC?" He asks. You nodded and avoided making eye contact with him. The mention of the day your father was shot nearly brought tears to your eyes, but you refused to show this man any signs of weakness.

"That's right, my Father was accused of assassinating your father. So your grandfather caught word and he set out on his own and killed my father before he passed away. But before my father was never heard from again, even when I was just a boy, he told me to make sure I had all of your descendants killed. So that's what I'm gonna do..." he says with an evil grin.

"Look Zayn, I understand that you're angry, but you need to leave my family out of this..."

"What? I can't even get back at this little guy?" He says as he takes a photo of your little Brandon out his pocket.

He waved it in front of your face and you were literally shaking, angry that he had access to pictures of your family

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He waved it in front of your face and you were literally shaking, angry that he had access to pictures of your family.

"Leave. My. Son. Alone... Stay away from him..." you say in an attempt to keep your cool.

"Oh don't worry, your little Brandon is safe...For now...."

"Alright, just tell me asshole, what do I need to do to make sure, you don't try to do anything to him..."

"Weeeeell..." it took him a moment to think about it. You were trying to be patient since your only son's life was literally hanging in the balance.

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