#107: He yells at your kid

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A/N: I've had this one sitting in my drafts since April, so I figured I would do a #PostYourDraft 😁😁


Dorian was not one who liked to listen to what he was being told. As he became older, his recklessness got worse and worse. Dorian literally only listened to one person and that would be you, so dealing with this rebellious stage in his life was really hard on you guys. Louis especially.

He was only 8 years old, you didn't expect him to act like that. It always made you think about where exactly did you mess up.

"Mom, were home." You turned and saw Louis gripping him up by his wrist and it kind of worried you. You've never seen Louis do that.

"What's going on guys?" You asked a bit concerned.

"Go ahead, tell Mom what you did at school today." He said shoving Dorian before you.

"Don't push me!" He yelled at Louis making you jump in shock.

"Dorian, honey..." You crouched down next to him and rubbed his shoulder. "Can you please tell me what happened at school today?"

"Will you be mad at me?" He pouted.

"Not unless you lie to me. Now tell me what happened."

"Joshua was picking on me again and he told me I wasn't allowed to play at their hoop so he threw a ball at me and I beat him up." He frowned looking at the ground.

"Dorian, you know my rule about putting your hands on other people."

"I know, don't hit them at less they hit me first." He sighed.

"Now tomorrow if he comes in, I want you to apologize, Ok?"

"No way, he deserved it." He scoffs.

"Still Dorian, hitting someone when they didn't hit you first isn-"

"Still Dorian, hitting someone when they didn't hit you first isn-" Dorian squeaked mocking your voice.

"Dorian, Knock it off..." You say trying to calm down.

"Dorian knock it off!" He repeated only louder and more irritating.


"Dorian Tomlinson!" He yelled in your face. He spit in your face and pushed you and tried to run off. Louis quickly gripped him up and held him tightly. You were a little more on the soft side so Louis was the one who did the butt whoopins.

"Listen to me, and Listen good Dorian, you don't ever, and I mean EVER disrespect your mother like that!!!" He yelled in his son's face. Tears brimmed Dorian's eyes automatically knowing what was coming next.

"I don't care how old you are, but you're old enough to treat Mum with some respect. Do it again, and I'm gonna beat your ass, do you understand?!!?!" He yelled again making him nod and his lip quiver. Louis didn't play with that boy, and you just knew he was tired of the disrespect.

"Apologize to your Mother and get your tail upstairs!" He yelled once again, face glowing red like a tomato.

"Sorry Mom." Dorian started to cry with his head hung in shame as he trudged up the stairs and into his bedroom.

"Louis, I think you were a bit too hard on him..." You say about to go after him.

"No babe, you're too easy on him. He takes advantage of how soft you are and never gets away with anything. You need to learn to have a harder shell, I can't just sit back and let him act out of control like that." He said hugging you.

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