#43: "Why date a black girl?"

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(These are basically what I imagine their answers would be to this question.)


"See...the term 'Black girl' bothers me to the upteenth. [Y/N] is just like any other girl on this planet. Yeah, her skin is different from mine, but why do you care? I'll date who I want but as far as I'm concerned that would be [Y/N] and it's not temporary either. You'll never find a person like her. She's the most strong, compassionate, and most confident woman I know. She doesn't let anyone tell her anything and I'm the same way when it comes to our relationship."


"Why date a black girl? I could give you millions of reasons but let me keep my main reason appropriate mate...[Y/N] is beautiful the way she is, and there's no non-colored woman on this God given planet, that could change that. [Y/N], is truly special to me and she means the world to me. I don't care what anyone else thinks either. If you don't like it that's on you, but I know where my happiness comes from."


"You can't be serious right now...why date a black girl? Here's a question for you, why not? I love [Y\N], and she loves me. She's like a goddess compared to other girls I've dated in my time. Last time I checked there are no laws that prohibit dating outside of your race, so I don't see the problem with me dating [Y/N] or why it bothers everyone so much. If it doesn't bother me it shouldn't bother you."


"See, the fact that she's black really doesn't bother me. It never has, and it never will. Have I ever been skeptical about dating [Y/N]? Of course...When we first started dating I was too consumed in what everyone else thought of us being together, but eventually I put all that aside and focused on the actual important picture. Her heart, her mind, and her soul."


"I can say that I seriously don't care what [Y/N] looks like, she's genuine, has a kind, loving heart, and she's real. I love a girl that can be real with me and won't hesitate to get with me if I have an attitude. She's supportive of the majority of my decisions, and she can handle honesty. Most women these days aren't like that...I don't care who Knows it, but I really love [Y/N]."

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