#128: Kidnapped (Liam) Part 3

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You weren't really too sure if Zayn's plan was fool proof but hey, if it could get your daughter back to you it worked for you. It was quiet for a minute until Zayn cut the radio on and it was on the news channel. He sighed and put his hand on the Nob about to switch the channel. Right when he switched it something you heard caught your ear.

News anchor:

"Earlier today, a 4 year old girl was abducted from a local park in Los Angeles and we were given updates on the child's possible whereabouts-"
Then you heard Zayn cut the channel off.

"Zayn what the Hell! Put the channel back on!" You yelled shoving him.

"Ok sorry Damn, keep pushing me and we'll crash before the channel ever gets changed." He said being sarcastic. He put the news channel back and you carefully listened.

"A few people anonymously reported sightings of the vehicle that took the child away, heading towards San Diego and some have reported to have seen the actual child in Compton and that's the last location the child or the vehicle has been seen in. So the amber alert on this child is being extended to Fresno and all cities and counties in between, and is still active until the child is officially found. Keep an eye out for a black Honda Civic."

"Zayn find the next exit that leads to Compton..." You say getting excited. He put the petal to the metal and lucky for you guys the next exit was 10 miles out. He got off on the exit and you instantly saw all the palm trees swaying in the wind and the skyline that appeared when the sun started to set.

"Wow... Compton looks so nice...I didn't think they would have gangs out here. I honestly thought it was all stereotypes." You say looking at Zayn.

"Oh you'd be surprised. I'm out here a lot which is why it didn't take me long to come get you." He says looking around.

"Do you know where we could possibly find them?" You ask.

"Not exactly but I know a lot of the gangs are in the not so pretty part of Compton." He says making a ton of turns

"Where are we going?" You asked confused.

"You'll see." He smirked and you actually started to get a little tensed up. After about 15 minutes he turned into an impoverished looking neighborhood.

"What you're looking at right here
[Y/N], is blood and crip territory." He sighs.

"How'd you know where to find this place?"

"How wouldn't I know? No one, and I mean no one steps foot in this part of Compton. It should be easy figuring out which gang has your kid. Just look for the car." He says.

"You know my kid has a name." You say crossing your arms.

"Which is?"

"Nadene." You say.

"Huh, cute name. If we're gonna have any chance at finding her, We're gonna have to go on foot from here." He says parking on the curb. The two of you got out and started walking down the sidewalk.

"You said the guy drove a Honda Civic right?" You looked and saw the car that scooped up Nadene. It had the right license plate and all.

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