#139: FAMILY SERIES (Christmas Eve)

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A/N: Sorry for the late Christmas chapters btw. I still wanted to post something so I hope everyone had a blessed time with their families and I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll be posting more Christmas stuff on my new story central intelligence as well. If you haven't checked it out yet you guys should. If you're into shows like CSI I think you'll like it. Anyway back to the story!!!

You were out having some one on one time with Dorian doing some last minute shopping. Seeing as he hated being in big crowds of people, you didn't expect him to actually enjoy it.

"Mom, who else do we have to get gifts for?" He asks.

"You need to pick out something for your God father, I still need to get Bernie a new outfit, and your sister wanted this doll. I finished my shopping for you and dad a while ago."

"What did you get us?" He asked with a big grin on his face.

"And why would I tell you?" You chuckled.

"Because I'm your first born and you love me?" He says hugging you.

"Don't even try it. Christmas is tomorrow, you'll see what you got." You say continuing to push the cart.

"I don't know what I should get for uncle Harry." He tells you shrugging.

"You want a hint?" He nodded paying close attention to you.

"He really likes hats and scarves. How about you go pick out something you think he might like while I go get my stuff? Sound like a good deal?"


"Ok, meet me in the baby section when you find something." You say letting him off on his own. After he had made his quick yet reasonable decision, the two of you finished up with shopping and headed home since that was your last stop for the day.

When you came in you smiled seeing your baby boy crawling around playing with his toys while Kiara played with him. You really had no clue where the time had gone he was just so grown.

"Alright, I need you to distract your sister and play with Bernie so I can get this stuff upstairs ok?"

"I got you mom." He says making you smile. While he started talking to Kiara you quickly went upstairs to be met with your husband.

"You can't come in here. This is my wrapping station this year." Louis said throwing a blanket over a few boxes.

"Why can't I? Is something for me?" You giggled.

"I don't know you'll see..."

"Well if you're not gonna let me come in can I use your office?"

"Sure, knock yourself out. There's tape, scissors and a few wrapping paper rolls in there."

"Ok thanks babe." You smiled leaving the room.

"Gosh, my husband is a nut." You say to yourself as you walk down the hall.

"I just want this day to be over so I can finally have my husband and my room back." You joked laughing at yourself.


It was Christmas Eve night and over at the Payne residence you were all laughing, talking and dancing to Christmas music. One of the things your kids always loved to do Christmas Eve was to bake cookies.

"No dad, you have to separate the wet ingredients from the dry ingredients. Zieyah told Liam before doing it herself.

"Alright then Mrs. iron chef, you got this." After Zieyah made the dough came her favorite part...making shapes with the cookie cutters and she loved when everybody did it together.

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