#175: Baby Daddy Drama (Louis)

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You and Louis' 1 year old son Devin

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You and Louis' 1 year old son Devin.

DISCLAIMER: I have Nothing against Brianna or Freddie. I wrote some things just for the pref.

About two years after Louis' first son Freddie was born, he got you pregnant with his second son Devin. You and Louis were honestly never a thing. He got you pregnant after a hook up and there your son was.

Ever since he was born you two agreed that Louis got to have him on Weekends and maybe weekdays if he wasn't busy with his career. You were waiting on Louis to get to his house but he didn't show up when he said he would.

"Dada!" Devin yells banging on the car window. You could tell that boy loved his father and no matter how nasty to you he was at times, you couldn't bear to keep him and Louis apart.

"I don't know where your dad is baby." You say throwing last minute items in his diaper bag. Two hours passed and you saw Louis pull up in his driveway and Devin hollered in excitement at knowing his dad was coming to get him.

You were hesitant to get out the car, but you knew you had to do it. You grabbed Devin and his bags so that you could go ahead and make the exchange.

"Why the hell are you so late picking him up?" You say getting angry.

"Bitch chill out, I had some important errands to run." He says unlocking the front door to his house.

"So Devin isn't important to you?"

"You know it's not like that [Y/N]."

"That baby boy loves you and all you see to do is let him down. Why can't you just be responsible?" You say as Louis walks towards you to pick Devin up. He completely ignored you.

It's like what you were saying was going in through one ear and out the other.

"Louis!" You say putting your hands on your hips.

"Did he eat?" Louis asks.

"Yes he already had lunch."

"His diaper is soaked, why didn't you change him?" Louis questions once more.

"Louis he only peed! He'll be fine, he wouldn't have had to wait so long to be changed if you would have just met me when you said."

"Talk about responsible..." he says laying Devin down in front of him.

"No wonder he gets so many diaper rashes." Louis scoffs changing Devin's diaper

"Whatever. Just change him so I can say bye to him and leave."

"If you insist." He says trying to be smart.

"Oh and tell that hoe Brianna to stop posting shady shit about my son before we have problems. If you can defend one of your kids you can defend both of them." You say.

"Stop nagging me, I'm working on it."

"For the sake of custody you better be." You whisper as you pick up Devin and hold him. Just then Brianna came in the house with Freddie just as stank and nasty as she wanted to be.

"Louis I told you, I'm not going to allow Freddie to stay here if you're gonna keep letting her bring that crack baby." She comments putting Freddie down.

"Excuse me, my son is not a crack Baby. I know Louis told your ass he was going to be here so...you're just going to have to get it together. We both got a kid that needs their father. It ain't just you."

"I can't let my son be influenced by yours [Y/N], it's nothing personal."

"Clearly it is personal. I don't know what your little prejudices are or whatever, but it's important that our sons learn to accept each other given how crazy this world is. Just because your racist doesn't mean your son has to follow in your footsteps. That's just a horrible way to raise him." You say shutting her down.

"She's got a point." Louis says actually agreeing with you.

"And you sir, you need to be more responsible if you want to keep seeing Devin and I mean it." You say crouching down to kiss Devin goodbye.

"I'm coming back to get him Sunday." You say giving both Brianna and Louis a look of disgust before you leave.

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