#02: How you guys met (Harry and Zayn)

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Generally you work out everyday of the week. You do it religiously and everyone you know finds it ridiculous but they yearn to have a figure like yours. You always say to yourself:

"I don't look so ridiculous now do I?"

Anyway the gym is like your home away from home. Everyone pretty much knows your name there. You're funny, kind and you're highly opinionated....that's always entertaining for the gym staff. Today the gym was pretty dead though. The usual people you see around weren't in today. Except for this one guy you see every single day. He always comes in around the same time as you, so you don't think it's any random coincidence that he would be here on an empty type of day.

On the other hand you've actually been wanting to talk to him for a while...you've taken interest in him from a far distance. One of the good parts about him always being here is watching him bench...he lifts at least 150. As you jog on the treadmill you try not to stare at him too hard...but you were still staring. You liked the way his biceps flexed from that vertical angle. It's not very long before he's right next to you on the treadmill to your right. You had about two minutes to go anyway. So you sped through those last 2 minutes to avoid awkward tension. Also you didn't want to get hit on while you were all hot and sweaty. Afterwards you lift for a bit and work your arms, legs, and abs and then you go down to the showers. You hated going in there so you made it quick. You dressed into fresh work out clothes and started to exit the building when that guy from the work out room ran into you again.

"Hey [Y/N], I'm Harry. I see you around a lot and I also hear your name being thrown around so I wanted to meet you for myself." He smiles.

"Oh well hi Harry, it's nice to meet you." You say. You didn't really know what else to talk about with him so you tried to keep things simple.

"So did you enjoy your workout?" You ask him.

"Of course, I always do. I also noticed you were enjoying my workout as well." He chuckled looking down at you. You were smiling extra hard.

"Am I right?" He teased.

"Definitely." You admit.

"It's no big deal, I was just messing with you. I enjoy your workouts every single day I see you come in. I've never seen a woman with your shape keep herself so..." He stopped himself noticing that what he was saying could be interpreted wrong.

"I'm sorry...that's not what I meant..." He tries to explain.

"No you're good. Women on my moms side of the family are pretty thick...so no offense is taken." You say.

"Ok good...so I was wondering if I could get your number?" He asked. You dug through your purse and found a pen. You jotted your number on his arm and went home.


It was happy hour at your favorite night club so you went out with your girls for the half off drinks. Your friends were already dead drunk and you've only been there for about an hour. You were the only one who was still sober so you knew you would be driving everyone home right about now. You left out for a few short minutes to take the squad home but when you came back it was packed. You stepped into that club and saw endless body to body contact. You pushed past all of that and sat down at the bar.

You got a simple cup of Hennessy on ice. You didn't want to drink too much since you still had to drive home. You were sat alone when this old drunk guy sits next to you and tried the old fashion "can I buy you a drink" pickup line.

"Um...I'm already drinking. Also I still have to get home." You say trying not to be rude. His eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled of vodka and beer. The combo was pretty bad. Also he kept leaning on you trying to eye your cleavage.

"Can you get off of me..." You say trying your best to push him off. The bartender and everyone at the bar notices you're in distress and the bartender comes from behind the counter to help you.

"Hey man get off of her, you don't ever force yourself onto a woman!" He half yelled. Hearing the bartender talk made him sober up a bit. The old man walked away and gave him the dirtiest stare.

"Thank you..." You smile.

"Oh it's no trouble. I just can't stand men who try to force themselves on women. It happens too often in here, the bouncers usually catch it a bit faster than I do." He chuckles shaking his head.

"Anyway, My shift just ended. Want me to walk you to your car? It's dark out." He says. You really had a fear for leaving places late at night...You watched way too many scary movies.

"Thanks, that would be nice." You smile. He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the night club and walked with you.

"So can I know my rescuer's name?" You ask flirtatiously.

"I'm Zayn. What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm [Y/N]."

"Nice name." He smiles. You were absolutely freezing. You had on just about the tightest dress not to mention it was strapless and sat just above your knee.

"Are you cold?" He asks. He stopped to rub your shoulders, creating friction. Then he put his jacket on you.

"Thanks." You smile at the gentlemen like gesture. He wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you close. It did make you the slightest bit warmer so you didn't refuse. Also he was hot, and he was already flirting with you anyway. So you figured why not? Once you got to your car you gave him back his jacket and thanked him.

"Can I see your phone?" You ask.

"Uh...sure." He unlocked it for you and you put in your name and phone number and sent yourself a "Hey" text from his phone.

"I just gave you my number. Will you call me?" You ask shyly.

"Of course I will. I'll call you as soon as I get home." He smiles hugging you and lightly groping your ass.

"Ok." You giggled. "Bye...Zayn." You wave to him getting in your car.

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