#31: You're Best Friends and you like each other

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You were in your mid 20s and just finished school and you were currently living in a condo on the east coast. Louis was coming to pick you up in about a half hour to hang out with you. You just finished getting dressed and your phone buzzed on your bed. When you looked it was a text notification from your best friend Himself.

"Lou😊hey [Y/N] be outside in 5, I'm right around the corner."

Is what the message read. You quickly brushed your teeth and threw some ear rings on. You did a light eye shadow and an eyeliner and mascara, and grabbed your purse and your keys.

When you opened the door Louis was just pulling up in his grey 2015 Audi A4. He rolled down the drivers window and had the biggest smile on his face. You liked when he looked at you like that. You lowkey had a thing for him but he was already with someone.

"Come on slow poke get in the car, we're going to be late." He laughed.

"Boy...late for what?"

"You'll see, Just get in."

"You really got me fucked up...you know I'm not a fan of surprises." You sigh getting in the passenger seat.

"This is definitely going to be a surprise you're going to like [Y/N], don't speak too soon." He laughed. He slowly rested his hand on your thigh and you tried not to say anything.

"So...how's El doing?" You asked trying to avoid the awkward tension.

"Oh, we're done." He said. "She seemed to have a problem with me hanging out with you and I've known you for like...life. Also she knows we're just friends."

"So are you saying she was jealous of me?" You ask.

"She had to have been. She said I had to choose between the her and you...so I went with my bestie." He smiled.

"Aww Louis...I thought you really liked her?"

"Yeah, liked." He said using like in past tense. "But I like my friends a little bit more." He says.

"Thanks. Haha, I feel soooo special Louis." You joke looking out your window. He lets out a low chuckle and keeps his eyes on the road. He still hasn't removed his hand from your thigh.

"You look pretty today [Y/N]."

"Thanks Louis, so do you." You laugh.

The car came to a stop and you looked out the window to see that you were in Chinatown. You've always wanted to spend the day here but you work now, so you're really busy.

"Louis, You remembered." You looked back at him with your mouth gaping open.

"Yeah I know." He smiles. "Close your mouth before you start to catch flies." He jokes. You gather your things and he comes around to open your door.

"Thank you." You laughed.  You stood up and followed Louis. He took you to a sushi place up the street and ordered you your favorite sushi dish. You took out your money to pay and he stopped you.

"No [Y/N], I got it." He says. He paid for his food and your food and the two of you sat down at a table outside.

"Louis what's good wit' you today?" You laughed. "You been treating me like some kind of royalty all day, I ain't special."
"[Y/N], I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that....you're absolutely hilarious, you're sweet, kind and you're beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful and I can't believe you're still not seeing it." He says sending you into shock.

"No one likes a black girl Louis, we're all just assumed to be ratchet and Bouji." You roll your eyes at the thought of the stereotypes you've heard about yourself.

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