#34: You're a single Mom (Zayn & Liam)

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Mommy where are we going?" Zieyah asked.

"Out." You say.

"Why Mom? D-Do we have enough gas?" She asked. She always got nervous in the car for some reason, plus She's at that age where she likes to play 20 questions.

"Are we going to a eating place?" She asked.

"Yep." You answer her. Your friend Liam invited you and your daughter out to dinner with him at Apple bees. You've been hanging out for a while and he hasn't met Zieyah so he wanted to meet her and you were in favor of that.

You parked in a spot close to the building and tried to unbuckle Zieyah from her car seat.

"No!!! I can do it myself." She said getting an attitude. You just sat there and tried not to grip her up while she was already mad her seatbelt wasn't coming apart. Just then Liam walked past and saw you standing outside your car.

"Hey [Y/N], I was just about to call and see if you were alright." He laughs.

"Thanks Liam, I'm fine. It's just the three year old I'm trying to get together right now." You shake your head watching her still struggle.

"Mommy, it's still on." She pouts crossing her arms.

"Zieyah, relax your face. I told you about making faces." You say to her.

"Sorry Mommy." She says uncrossing her arms.

"Now, do you want me to help you?" You ask trying to be patient.

"Yes please." She nods. You unbuckle her and helped her get out.

"Mommy who's that?" She asked.

"That's my friend, Liam. Say hi!"

"Hi." She waves.

"Hey you. I like your dress Zieyah, it's pretty!" He chuckles looking at her. She gasps throwing her hands over her mouth.

"How you know my name?" She giggles hiding in your side.

"Your Mommy told me silly girl." He smiles.

"Thank you for saying you like m-my dress. My mommy bought it for me." She explains.

"She's so cute!" Liam Mouths to you. You guys all went inside and got seated at a table. You asked for a booster seat for Zieyah and put her on the inside.

Your waiter came by with your Menus and a kids menu for Zieyah and he asked you what you guys wanted to drink.

"Zie, tell the man what you want?"

"Can I please have a apple juice?" She asked.

"Yes you can." He smiles. "Your drinks will be out shortly."

"So Zieyah, what's your favorite food?" Liam asks.

"My favorite is waffles." She says coloring her picture on her menu.

"I like waffles too." He chuckles.

"You eat my Mommy's waffles before?" She gasps surprised making the two of you laugh.

"Yes sweetheart I have." He smiles.

"Mommy's waffles is so good right?" She smiled.

"They definitely are." He chuckles. "So what do you like to do Zieyah?"

She had to think for a minute. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked out the window trying to think of her favorite things she likes to do.

"I-I like to draw pictures and color, and I like going to My Mommy's work and sitting in the cool chair." She answers.

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