#44: "Why date a white guy?"

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"Most people often think that because I'm a black girl, I belong with a black man...now that's some mess right there. I have nothing against my own race, don't get it twisted...but I love Louis, and I'm grateful that God stuck me with him. He's loyal, he loves me, he cares about me, and the fact that he can put up with me is just a blessing. I'm in love with Louis, and that's never going to change no matter what anyone says."


"Excuse me? What kind of question is that? You know it's really sad to think that most of this world's opinions are based on the color of someone's skin...Like yeah I realize Liam is white and I'm black, but I don't see what the big deal is. We're just two people who love each other more than anything, and there's really nothing more to it."


"Why am I dating a white guy? Um...obviously because skin color doesn't mean anything in this relationship. Niall's happy, I'm happy, and neither of us give a shit about what the world thinks...so yeah. We both feel for each other and on top of that, love is love. And there definitely isn't a damn thing like it. But yeah, I definitely love Niall."


"Trust me, you don't know how many times I've been asked this question...I'm just gonna be real, I truly don't care what Harry looks like. The fact that he loved me all those years, and was always there for me is all that really matters. So I'm not going to continue to justify myself over a stupid question, when color doesn't even begin to cover why I'm with the man I love."


"Zayn, is really laid back and he knows how to make me feel right when appropriate...He's the best person to talk to when I just need someone to sit and listen to me talk, and he's pretty much like me...never phased by the petty shit. This is like...one of the most petty conversations I've had honestly...why everyone thinks skin effects a relationship? Beats me, but I know who I'm loyal to.

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