#76: Stalked (Harry)

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"GET OUT HARRY!!! I WANT YOU OUT OF HERE!!!" You yelled back at Harry. You had found out Harry was cheating on you and he admitted to cheating which came by as a surprise. You've been fighting for hours since.

"Alright fine bitch, I'll leave. I never wanted any of this!" He yelled at you. "That includes that fucking baby upstairs. Now Move, so I can pack." He shoved you out the way and you could hear the cries of your two week old daughter. You went to attend to her, and she eventually calmed down.

Soon enough Harry's car was packed and he was ready to leave. You were just as ready as he was. He went to say goodbye to your daughter and you stopped him.

"[Y/N], come on, please let me say goodbye to my daughter." He pleaded.

"No Harry. You said you didn't want her. Goodbye." You say shoving him out the nursery door.

"Please [Y/N], I didn't mean what I said. I was angry with you, I would never say something so ruthless about my baby girl."

"Ok but you did. So, leave and don't come back...EVER." You say giving him the most mean stare.

"Ok. Bye [Y/N]. Here's my key, and Give me a call if Aryahn needs anything."

"I won't be calling you for anything, Harry, I can provide for my own damn kid. Now leave." You spit harshly. He dropped the key in your hand, and in exchange for the key, you gave him back the engagement ring, and he was gone. You've never been happier, but Harry begged to differ. He wasn't ready for you to call it quits although You were glad to see him go, but you didn't know that wasn't the last you'd be seeing of Harry Styles.

••••••••••4 Months later•••••••••••

You haven't heard from Harry in a while, and you were honestly glad for that. You sat watching your daughter chew on the nipple of her bottle and smiled.

"You were hungry, huh Yahni?" You giggled poking her belly. You heard your phone ring and your face dropped and you immediately felt sick. Harry was calling you and you immediately declined his call not even two second after, he called you right back and you declined call after call starting to get annoyed. This one time you answered having hopes that he would leave you alone if you answered him.

"What?" You say flatly awaiting an explanation.

"Oh Um...I just wanted to check on how Aryahn was doing." You felt like there was something else going on apart from that, but you didn't dare ask him.

"She's fine. Goodbye." You quickly hung up and he continuously called you over and over again. This cycle went on for a couple more days and you got sick of Harry calling you and you just ended up changing your phone number, only telling few people what it was.

That same afternoon you received a call from a number labeled unknown and you answered it.

"Hey Baby, it's Harry! I was missing you. How's Aryahn doing?" Without answering him back you hung up and blocked him. You changed your phone number once again as soon as he was. blocked. Over the period of a month, you went through at least 12 phone numbers because Harry kept finding out what they were. That was very alarming for you so you decided to stop picking up the phone altogether whether Harry was calling or not.

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