#160: Your baby calls him dad

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(Y'all are just friends)


Louis was supposed to be coming over sometime during the day since you guys arranged a play date for his son Freddie and your daughter Melissa. While you waited you held Melissa on your hip and started to cook up some lunch.

"I can't wait for you to meet you new friend! Aren't you excited?" You smile bouncing your giggling daughter.

"AAAAAH!" She shouted with a big smile on her face. The doorbell rang and Melissa looked at you.

"Who is that? Who's at the door?" You cooed turning the burner off. You went and opened the door and Louis was on the other side with Freddie on his hip.

"Hey you guys! Thanks for coming over!" You smiled hugging Louis with your free arm. "Say hi to Freddie Melissa!" Melissa waved her little hand and Freddie just smiled.

"Anytime [Y/N], Thanks for having us. How are you Miss. Melissa?" Louis chuckled ruffling her hair.

"Let's settle these two in the playpen for a bit and we can go grab something to eat." You say putting Melissa behind the gated area filled with toys. Louis placed Freddie right next to her and and they already seemed to be getting along.

"Freddie, play nice with Melissa bud. She's younger than you." Freddie smiled at his dad, offering his new little friend a toy. You left the two of them to play and went to the kitchen to talk for a bit.

"Mel is getting big...can she talk yet?" Louis asks.

"She babbles...but she hasn't really said her first word yet. Has Freddie?"

"Oh yeah. He calls me like every 5 minutes. Dada is all he knows how to say, maybe he'll rub off on Mel." He chuckled. While you guys talk you start to boil some tea until you hear noises in the baby monitor.

"Wait [Y/N], listen..."

"Dada! Dada! Dada!"

"Aww, I think Freddie's calling you." You smiled. The two of you went to go check on your kids and Freddie was playing while Melissa was standing up holding onto the playpen gate.

"Hey Mel, what are you doing?" Louis asks smiling.

"Dada!" She yelled, smiles and all holding her arms up to him.

"Oh wow...I'm sorry [Y/N]..." Louis didn't really know what to say.

"It's fine Louis don't stress it, she probably got it from Freddie. We can correct that."

"Mel say Louis...Louis..." Louis says repeating himself.

"Dada." She answers back.

"No, No, No Mel. Louis."


"Oh boy..." you sighed trying not to laugh. Louis had a leech on his hands.


"Hey Liam, Thanks for inviting me out to dinner." You say. You were in desperate need of fresh air. You were sick of being cooped up in your apartment.

"It's fine [Y/N] really." He smiled.

"Once again I hope you're ok with boo boo being here. I couldn't get a baby sitter."

"He's fine [Y/N]. That's the little foreign language prodigy over there." He chuckled waving to your son Ben. He was only 11 months old saying things in Spanish. That's what you get for letting your son watch Dora.

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