#101: Father's Day

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A/N: Even though I posted this late af and Father's Day was last month I don't care because this is still cute and I never got around to finishing it until now. I hope y'all enjoy it😂😂



"What's up Kay?" You say pushing the cart a little further up to look at the different pastas.

"Wh-what's Father's Day?" She asks. You weren't sure how to answer her because considering Louis' job you wouldn't be able to celebrate it anyway.

"Well Kiara, Father's Day is the day when boys and girls show their Daddy's how much they love them."

"Can we celebrate it Mommy? I wanna show my daddy how much I love him." Kiara pouts.

"I don't know if we can Kay. You know Daddy's away right now." You say brushing back her thick hair.

"Oh...ok." She sighs looking at the floor. You hated seeing Kiara upset because Louis wasn't there.

"When we get home, I want you to draw Daddy a pretty picture, ok?" Her mood quickly brightened up and she started to giggle.

"Ok!" She happily clapped holding your hand.

•••••••••••The Next Day••••••••••••

"Are we there yet Mom?"

"Almost Kiara. We'll be there in 15 minutes." You say looking at her in the rear view mirror. You decided you would take Kiara up to see Louis on the day of Father's Day. His hotel was only an hour and a half away in New York so you decided to just take her to see him.

Plus you guys haven't seen Louis since Christmas. You also thought it would be good for Louis and his mental state. You couldn't just let another Father's Day go by without him seeing her.

"Where's Daddy?" Kiara asked holding her picture in her hand.

"Uncle Li said he's in his room. It's a surprise Kay, he doesn't know we're here." You giggled entering and going up to that floor. Luckily for you guys the door was unlocked. You quietly opened and shut the door but that didn't wake Louis up surprisingly.

She smiled seeing Liam watching tv on the couch. She ran up and hugged him and he gave her kisses.

"You here to see Daddy, huh boo?"

"Yeah! I draw him a pretty picture." She whispers.

"Go wake him up so he can see it!" He smiles making her excited. She slowly gets in his bed and lays next to him giggling. You stood recording so you could see the reaction later and post it.

"Daddy, wake up! Wake up Daddy!" She smiles patting his face.

"Daddy please? Please open your eyes?" She asks making you laugh.

"Look it's too early in the morning for th-" when he opened his eyes and realized who he was speaking to he started to smile and all he could do was hold Kiara close to him.

"Hey baby girl, you came here to see me?" He smiled kissing her head. 

"Yeah, I made you a picture Daddy." She gave him the folded paper and he laid on his back unfolding it and he smiled looking at a little brown person and a taller white person that looks like Louis.

"Aw thank you Boo."

"Mommy helped. She wrote the Happy Father's Day at the top." She explains making him laugh.

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