#25: The Name Brand product he buys for you

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You were that person who didn't really care if something you had on was name brand or not. If it worked, and if it was fashionable, you would wear it. Also your wage wasn't as high as you'd like for it to be so you tried to stay within your budget. The bottom line is that Louis knew you had a thing for Calvin Klein, so he always got you dresses, the make up and the bras and panties. He wanted you to always have the nice things you wanted, and felt the need to surprise you once in a while, but not through pity, it always came from his heart.


Growing up, you always looked at other people and compared what they had to what you had. As a kid, the other kids would rub it in your face just because you didn't have what they had. You went to a private school of mostly rich kids who got what they wanted whenever they asked for it. You've always had some emotional damage from the time but dating Liam changed that. He thought you seemed more like a Michael kors type of person so he always bought you the purses to go with your outfits. You mostly went with the coach or guess bags but Liam wanted more for you.


From a young age you were a shoe fan, and you never got over your love for shoes. You had shoes for every occasion thought of, and they coordinated with your outfits, your purses, and just everything you owned. You were never one to mismatch and in your eyes shoes played an important role in that. You were most fashionable in the warmer seasons but you wanted a more fashionable winter shoe, so Niall started buying you timberland boots. You could walk in the snow with them, they kept your feet warm, and everyone knows brown works for a lot of winter colors.


Other than Sephora, the only other professional make up you would use is Chanel. Where did you get it from? You guessed it. Harry. Even though he felt you were too pretty for make up, you always insisted on wearing it. He knew how serious you were about it, so once in a while he would get it for you as a little present and you always appreciated it. Make up nowadays is just barely affordable so you never took it for granted.


You were a fan of North face sweats. The only pair you probably owned came from a Christmas present you received a while back. You see people wearing the jackets all the time and it only made you want one. They looked cozy and warm, and it was enticing you to go to the store in the mall to buy one. To your surprise, Zayn ordered you one from the online shop and it arrived as soon as you got in from work. You instantly called him and thanked him for his kindness. You were thankful to have him in your life.

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