#117: Father Daughter time

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"Daddy, c-can we go to build a bear when we get there?" Kiara asks excitedly playing with her car seat buckle.

"If we have time maybe. Mommy wanted me to bring you shopping for school baby." He says watching her in the rear view mirror. He was excited to be spending a day with his daughter.

"If we go daddy, I makin you a special daddy bear." She giggled bouncing in her seat. Louis smiled and continued driving to the mall. Once Louis parked he sighed heavily seeing the paparazzi already gathering at the doors.

"What's wrong daddy?" She asks.

"Nothing Kay. Everything's fine." He says unbuckling his seatbelt.

"E-Everything doesn't sound fine." She says sounding sad. He sighs getting out the car and going to meet her at her car seat.

"Kiara, you know those people who follow me and mommy all the time?" He asks.

"Yeah. Are they following us again daddy?" She asks curiously.

"Yep. I just want you to have fun with daddy, but we can't have much fun if people are always taking pictures of us right?"

"Daddy, we can still have fun. Just act like they not there. I do that when the
scary monsters try to come in my room." She explains making him smile.

"You're right. Let's act like these 'monsters' aren't following us. Sound like a good idea?" Kiara nods and unbuckles her seatbelt.

"How about a piggy back ride?" He says letting her climb up on his back.

"Now you won't get lost." He chuckled carrying her, pushing through the large crowd of photographers.

"I got an idea Kiara."

"What's the idea daddy?" She asks excitedly.

"How about we go to build a bear, and then we go buy your clothes somewhere else!" He says making her smile happily.

"Come on, let's go! He says taking her up to the store.

"You know what to do. Go pick out a bear Kay." He chuckled following her. She looked around for a bear until she found a chocolate brown one.

"Daddy I like this one!" She said showing it to Louis.

"That's a pretty bear." He smiled petting it. "You want a sound in it?"

"No thank you daddy. I want this one to be a cuddly bear like you!" She giggled giving Louis a hug. Once she went to get it stuffed and stitched up she went to go give it a 'bath'."

"You can't just put him under the air silly goose, you gotta brush his fur too so he can look handsome!" He chuckled giving the stuffed bear a light brushing.

"Here, you try it." He hands Kiara the brush. She brushed the bear and proudly showed Louis what she did.

"Nice Kay! Now let's go get him some clothes!" Kiara grabbed her dads hand and dragged him over to the bear accessories. She picked up a white t-shirt with a red heart on it and it said I love you in the middle.

"I like this one." She says giving Louis the shirt. He smiled and put the shirt on the bear.

"No we gotta name him. What do you wanna call him?" Louis asks going to a computer with her.

"Um... I want his name to be bubba." She smiles hugging her bear. "H-He always gonna make me think about my daddy." She giggled making Louis smile. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

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