#35: You're a single Mom Pt.2 (Zayn & Liam)

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You were out getting baby stuff for the house with Fay Fay but it was only a quick stop. You didn't wanna stay too long, at any minute someone would give you that look that makes you seem so helpless just because you're a single parent. At this point you didn't care about that, you were just worried about the baby girl in your cart.

As you pushed past an aisle with her favorite baby snacks she got all jumpy and started whimpering.

"What Fay?" You sigh seeing what she wants. "Oh you want your little snacks again? You liked them?" You cooed over her grabbing the container.

"Alright, I just need to grab your diapers and then we can go home." You say to her not really expecting her to say anything. After you find them you go to the shortest check out lane you see.

"[Y/N]?" You look up and it's your friend Zayn.

"Hey what's good?" You ask trying to distract the baby.

"Nothing. Just working." He sighs scanning your things. "Have you seen you know who around?" He whispers referring to Adelina's father.
He hasn't been around since you told him you were pregnant with her but that's his own fault. He's missing out on a great kid.

To answer his question you shake your head. "Hmm...figures. It's alright, if you need anything give me a call." He offers. "This is only a part time job anyway so I'm not always here if I'm not doing any office work."

"Thanks Zayn you're the best." You smile taking out your card and scanning it. He keeps an eye on the baby while you put your bags in the back of the cart. When he's holding her she starts to scream and cry, looking for you.

"Wow...you still don't like me even at 6 months huh?" He smiles handing her back to you.

"She doesn't like anyone." You sigh putting her down in the cart.

"You need help getting everything in your car? I can call someone down to help you..."

"No thanks Zayn, if I did want help I'd rather have you help me." You giggle.

"Alright, well I'll see you later [Y/N], you get her home." He laughs playing with her fingers. Fay Fay growled and pulled her hand away.

"Did you growl at me?" He chuckles at the small girl. "Huh? Are you a Monster?"

"She's getting a little cranky." You laugh. "Call me after work, I'll see you later!"

"Alright, bye [Y/N]!"

~2 weeks later~

Fay Fay sat there staring at you while you sat on the couch, books everywhere, studying for your college exams. You were on your laptop viewing some notes as well. She sat a minute more and then she started laughing for no reason and you looked up at her.

"Hey Fay Fay!" You smile at her across the room. "You watchin Mommy work boo?" She kept smiling at you and bounced in place. You moved your books all to one side and went to go get her and put her next to you.

"You're such a happy girl." You chuckle sitting the chunky baby in your lap and continuing to read notes. Just then Zayn came in the house. He had a key so he would occasionally drop by.

"Hey you." You smiled.

"Hey, how have you been? You haven't been Out the house in a minute." He says worried.

"We're fine, I've just been studying for this important test next week." You explain.

"Oh ok, I'm just making sure you're still alive." He smiles.

"So what brings you by?" You ask.

"You and Fay Fay, duh." He laughed. "Hi Adelina, I haven't seen you pretty girl! You look comfy in you're cute little pajamas." He coos to her bending down at her eye level. She turns towards you and hides herself.

"Fay Fay come on, say hi." You say tapping her thigh. You really wanted her to like Zayn, but she just wasn't having it.

"You're so mean Adelina." You sigh looking at your daughter. "Why you such a meanie?"

"Here Zayn, come hold her." You say offering the baby to him. "She just needs to get used to you."

"[Y/N] I don't think thats a good idea...she's gonna cry." He says nervously setting Adelina in his lap. She starts to squirm in Zayn's lap and he moves her to his arm.

"Adelina, can you be good girl? Yeah?" She started to smile at you for a moment until you left the room.

"Hey Fay Fay." He coos smiling down at her, staring into her grayish green eyes. She just muggs him out and turns her head. Then you came back and sat down looking in your books.

"She's so mean." You laughed. He sat her on the floor in front of him and she started to throw a fit. That came by as a huge surprise.

"What's the matter Fay Fay?" He chuckled picking her up. When he held her to his chest she started to make faces again. The cycle went on two more times.

"Oh so this is a game huh?" He laughs lifting her up in the air, making her giggle.

"I knew you would like me one of these days Adelina." He smiled holding her up to his chest.

"You cool with Zayn now Fay Fay?" You smiled at her. In response she rests her head on him and breathes all hard.

"Aww," you smiled taking a picture. " it looks like I found my next best babysitter.

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