#133: FAMILY SERIES (Your mom keep telling you how to take care of your baby)

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*A/N: I saw this video on Facebook. Once you watch you'll understand why this is funny. I laughed the whole time I wrote this pref y'all this is literally half of my family in a nutshell😂😂😂*


Bernie screamed extra loud making you flinch. It was time for you to feed him again and the frequency growing between his feedings was a little alarming to you. You finally picked him up and started kissing his cheeks to try and get him to calm down.

"I don't know what you want me to do baby, you just ate an hour ago...I don't wanna over feed you." You sighed rubbing his back.

Instead of giving him more to eat you rocked him for a while until you heard a knock on the door. You looked out the window seeing your mom's car in the driveway. You sighed in relief going to let her in.

"Mommyyyy!" You whined walking up to her with the baby.

"He's hungry again but he just ate almost an hour ago and I don't know what to do." You pout handing him over to your mother.

"[Y/N] I'm not gonna keep tellin you, you need to start putting cereal in this boy's milk." She said walking towards the kitchen. 

"I'm not playin with you, that milk all by its self not doin nothin for him. The cereal makes it more whole. Stop lettin my grandbaby stay hungry." She said leaving you in the living room.

"That's why he stay cryin for something to eat." You hear her yell from the kitchen.

"She hasn't changed a bit..." You laughed soon following her.


Liam chuckled watching as Nadene put more spaghetti in her mouth. "Is it good Nae? Yeah?" She giggled licking spaghetti sauce off of her little fat fingers.

"If only Mommy was here to see this." He smiled kissing her head. Just then the doorbell rang and Nadene looked around trying to find where the sound came from.

"Don't do anything cute while I answer the door...Daddy will be right back." He smiled going to answer the door. He was greeted by your mother who wanted to come and check on you guys.

"Hey Liam, how are you?" She smiled hugging Liam and kissing his cheek.

"Hey Mom, [Y/N]'s not home at the moment...she'll be home in a bit I think."

"It's fine Liam, your my son in law I came to see you as well. Where's the baby?" She asked.

"Oh it's lunch time, she's in the kitchen having spaghetti." She walked to the kitchen and smiled at Nadene in the high chair.

"Hello pretty girl, are you eating?" Nadene squealed loudly reaching for her grandmother. She wiped Nadene's face and picked her up.

"I swear I told [Y/N] to stop putting her pampers on all tight." She sighed.

"What's wrong Mom?" Liam asked.

"Listen, Tell your wife her mother said, to either buy a bigger pamper size for this baby or to stop putting them on all tight. She's a chunky girl, It might make her gag." She said rocking Nadene.

"Oh gosh..." Liam sighed.


You and Niall were on the couch having a lazy day while the kids were at Niall's mom's house. Niall kissed you and played in your day 3 twist out.

"Your hair turned out beautiful baby."

"Thanks babe. It needs to be redone in a couple days." You and Niall continued to talk about hair until you heard Sebastian wake up crying in his crib a couple feet away.

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