#21: Something you do in public that embarrases him

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Without a doubt giant was one of your favorite places to go food shopping. The two of you love going grocery shopping together, but you always did something that had other people staring at you. Being the person you are you really gave no fucks about what everyone else thought of you. Every time you guys went in there you would only get something for yourself if it was 99 cents. It was hilarious but at the same time it embarrassed Louis.

Literally, every time he picked up something he liked it was always "Louis put it back if it's not 99 cents." Then he always had to explain to you that not everything could always be 99 cents.


Liam loved it when you got your nails done just for him. But you always wore those nail salon flip flops all over the place whenever Liam picked you up. He always brought actual flip flops for you to wear but you refused to switch because you didn't want to mess up your brand new pedicure.
You wore those things in the store, around the neighborhood, and even at his friend's houses. It didn't seem to phase you at all.

On the other hand Liam was embarrassed to be seen with you when you wore them. Especially when someone got it in the front cover of a magazine...


Considering the fact that Niall is already famous, your hood rat outbursts towards people who tried to start with you piled up on top of that. You are one of those people who basically wear their attitudes on their faces when you had one. Don't get it wrong, you were never rude or ratchet you just couldn't stand when people would talk down to you as if you were some lower power, or when people look at you sideways. You weren't one to tolerate rude behavior from others and Niall liked that about you.

Everyone knew of your bad side and if they were smart and if they knew any better they would never try to be the ones to get on it.


The most embarrassing thing to Harry that you could ever do was wear your bonnet or your scarf to the store...You mainly wore it out if you guys would go out in the early hours of the morning to go get breakfast or something, but it still embarrassed him. You honestly could care less whether people liked you wearing your bonnet in public or not, it was comfortable to you. Your bonnet was like your identity, who were they to try and say something to change that?

Either way, Harry being embarrassed never influenced your decision to continue to wear it. You thought it was kind of fun embarrassing Harry anyway. ;)


You've always had a bad smacking problem..it's nothing new. As long as Zayn has knew you, he always knew you smacked whenever you ate. Was it classy? No. Was it the sexiest habit? Definitely not. But he still loved you anyway no matter where you were smacking or how loud you would smack if you went out for dinner. If it happened, it happened you really didn't have much control over it.

No matter how are you tried to wean yourself away from it there was really no way around it. On the bright side it cracked Zayn up sometimes when you would smack and not even pay attention to it.

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