#46: One of the guys doesnt like you Part 2

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I really wonder what got into [Y/N], she was perfectly fine not too long ago. Something tells me that the guys were probably the last to talk to her. I strolled down the narrow hallway and went to the lounge room. They were all sat on the couches laughing and talking, and occasionally going on there phones.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked all of them.

"Louis, what are you talking about?" Liam asks confused.

"I'm talking about [Y/N]. What the hell is wrong with her?" I ask again.

"We didn't even know she stopped by mate..." Liam shrugs.

"Yeah, Sorry man. If we knew we would tell you." Niall added. Meanwhile I looked over at Zayn and he sat guiltily in his seat.

"Zayn, I think you know what's going on with my girlfriend. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"Look Louis, I really don't like [Y/N] and all I did was make sure she knew that. She's not right for you, and she's just so clingy for you and she's annoying." He says rolling his eyes.

"You may not like her Zayn, but I love her. Nothing is going to change that and I'm extremely disappointed. I'm not saying you have to say anything but you seriously owe her a big ass apology more than I owe her one."

"Why would you owe her an apology?" He scoffs not taking me seriously.

"For your Actions. I'm not gonna let that ruin what I have with her. We have a good thing going." I say before storming out going to find where she went.

•3 days later•

The doorbell rang and [Y/N] was in the middle of making dinner for the two of us.

"I got it babe!" I yell into the next room.

"No, you lay down Louis. You had a long day." [Y/N] orders me.

"Alright, little miss bossy boots." I smile staring at her curves, and contemplating on how perfect she is while she's walking to the door.

  •Your P.O.V•

When I opened the door I saw Zayn standing there biting his lips.

"Sorry Zayn, Louis and I are about to have dinner and he's exhausted. Can you come back another day? Thanks, bye." I say not even giving him a chance to answer.

"Wait, [Y/N]..."

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm here for you. Not Louis." He explains.

"Ok, why are you here for me? It's not like we like each other anyway?" I say rolling my eyes.

"I came to make things right with you. I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings and I now have like...a huge understanding of how much Louis loves you, and I could never ruin that for him, or you. So yeah, I'm truly sorry for the stuff I said and I was hoping we could put this behind us and actually be friends." He said smiling.

"Apology accepted." I say without thinking. He looked at me shocked.

"What? But I was so mean to you...you can't just forgive me like that." He laughs hugging me.

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