#109: He thinks you're cheating

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Recently you had been out spending time with your best friend Tj that you've known since High school. You haven't seen each other in years and he suggested reuniting for the first time in person and he's staying in your area for 2 weeks and you guys wanted to make the most of it. Louis however; was not impressed with you spending so much time with him.

"You're always out with him [Y/N] I'm honestly looking forward to this man leaving." He said through gritted teeth. His behavior really disappointed you because Tj actually wanted to meet Louis.

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way Louis. I've told Tj a lot of amazing things about you and this is what you think of him? Ouch." You say teary eyed. Louis showed you absolutely no sympathy and it seemed like he was glad that you were upset.

"Well before you go to, "hang out" with him again, you can tell him you lied and that I can't stand him." He says turning his back to you

"Wait what do you mean? What are you  implying?" You say getting in his face.

"I mean he's really just another dick for you to put in your mouth. You've been spending all this time with him. You could probably tell me what he tastes like up to scale too." He says making you absolutely angry.

"So you think I'm cheating?" You yell.

"I don't think, I know." He scoffs.

"Well you know what Louis, you went and had a full blown child behind my back, and I forgave you because that's who I am. Even if I was cheating with Tj, which I'm not, it's easy to see which one of us has the most trust for each other, and who can be the most forgiving. I'm done Louis." You say pushing him out the way.

"Wait [Y/N], you can't leave me I love you!" He yelled and that just made you want to slap him even more.

"Oh yes I can. You just sat here and tried to tell me that I'm suckin a married man's dick behind your back. You don't love me if you don't trust me." You say continuing to head out the door.

You made Louis feel too bad about his life but you didn't care. If he wants to accuse you of such nonsense he can be alone.


You were a bit more on the curvy side so night after night, you've been going out to the Gym with your girls so you could fit into a dress for an upcoming event with Liam. You didn't want to embarrass him due to your size, HD cameras show EVERYTHING so to some extent you knew you'd be saving yourself some slight embarrassment and judgement.

You'd came in later than usual from the gym and Liam was on the couch, tv on, with a cup of tea sitting on the coffee table in front of him. You smiled at seeing that he was sweet enough to wait for your arrival.

"Hey honey." You smiled sitting in his lap starting to kiss on him. You noticed that he didn't kiss back or even touch you.

"What's the matter babe?" You pouted smoothing back his bed hair kissing his head.

"If you're not happy with me, just say something [Y/N]." He snapped placing you beside him and heading up the steps.

"What the...Liam!" You yelled after him. He ignored you and continued on heading into the bedroom.

"What are you talking about?" You ask him.

"For the past 2 months I've been watching you come in late and it feels like you don't wanna be around me. And then y-you come home and put on this act. It can only mean one thing."

"Which is what Liam?" You say putting your hands on your hips.

"You're sleeping around and that obviously means I'm not good enough for you!" He yelled making you back up. You roll your eyes at him and started to actually laugh. You found his lack of trust in you quite hilarious.

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