#06: Non-Serious Dates

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When you guys would go out just so you could be together he often took you out for pizza. After pizza he would take you for a walk on the board walk. You like to peer out at the ocean and watch how the sunset sits on its waves. If you were dressed for it and if too many people weren't there, he would take you down to the beach after hours when it's free and the two of you would run around in the sand, and you would splash around in the water. It was a really fun time for you guys.


He would take you out to the mall and watch you buy cute bras. His favorite part was helping you pick out the best ones that complimented your skin. As well as bras he also liked watching you buy yourself new outfits. It warmed his heart to see you feel confident about what you wore. After your little shopping day he would take you out to go see a movie, his treat. He loved it when you would cuddle up to him during a scary movie, or hearing your laugh during a comedy. You enjoyed yourselves without having to be serious.


He liked taking you on long walks in the park. The park was like one of your favorite places to go with Niall. Why? Because you two had this secret spot that no one knew about. Well, as far as you knew no one knew about it. When you guys first started dating that was unbelievably one of the first nice places he has taken you. The only part you didn't like was walking through the humidity in the back woods when you had your hair natural...you were pretty sure humidity was every black girls worst enemy, but you still had fun though.


He would take you with him on a double date. Even better, he sometimes took you to hang out with the other boys. You really liked Harry's band mates though, so you weren't the one to complain. They were extremely nice you and they were very supportive of Harry dating you. They knew not to try and mess with you though, you were pretty fiesty...145 and a half pounds of hell trapped in a black girl's body. Harry absolutely loved that about you but the other guys....Not a chance. They really liked you as a person and your personality.


He often took you out bowling. You were really good at it from watching your grandmother bowl in competitions when you were younger. You and Zayn would compete against each other to see who got the most strikes, and who scored higher at the end. Along the way you would even teach Zayn some bowling techniques that you picked up from your grandmother. Afterwards, Zayn would take you out to eat and you guys would have a little small talk. You would talk about how work was, or something you saw in a magazine, pretty basic stuff. You guys still had a good time.

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