Author's note 5 (Sort of a Rant)

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IM SO EXCITED FOR LOUIS OMG THE BABY IS HERE!!! Apparently it's a boy😊😊 I wonder what they named him and what he looks like...anyway people need to stop hating. Like yeah it's crazy that he's already a dad but be happy for him...I think it's so selfish when something amazing happens to one of the guys and all people can do it send hate and blame it on management or get over yourselves and just be glad Louis' son came into this world happy and healthy.

Like seriously, if you were in his shoes, wouldn't you want people to be happy for you? Mhm, that's what I thought. So my point is everyone needs to get over this whole management tweeting on his page shit and be happy for him. What goes on in his personal life, including His son, is none of our business anyways. So be glad that he wanted us to know. Now I understand why they want a 2 year break. Some people are just awful and it's such a shame that some people can't be glad for another person's happiness.

Anyway moving on....I'm almost completely out of ideas and I'm gonna need you guys to start commenting some things that I should write about. Other wise, I might have to just go on some kind of Hiatus from wattpad if I can't get my head straight. My writers block it too bad right now.

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