#131: Jungle Fever (Louis)

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A/N: I looked back at all the prefs I've written and I'm just coming to realize I don't have a whole lot of Louis only prefs on here😁😏 so all y'all Louis girls out there, this is for you! Oh yeah before you start reading I have nothing against Danielle...just using her for the pref...enjoy.

"Hey did you hear about Kanye's album launch party? He announced that its an open invite..." Louis said into the phone.

"Have I heard? Question is, who hasn't heard? This party is gonna be crazy..." Said Niall on the other end of the line. "I don't know about you man, but we should totally go. There's gonna be an insane amount of people at that party."

"I don't know Niall..." Truth was Louis was still recovering from his break up with Danielle.

"Come on man, you gotta let go of Danielle. She wasn't all that good for you anyway, and I bet you if we go to that party you'll meet someone who's 10 times more attractive than her. And I'm putting money on this one." He smiled into the phone.

"You're right. I gotta stop being a stick in the mud. I really do need to move on with my life."

"That's the spirit. Come to my house at 8 and I'll drive us there."

"Alright, sounds solid. See you then mate." Then both of them hung up the phone. Later on that night, Louis and Niall met up and immediately headed out to the party. It was the struggle parking, but they eventually found a spot and went in.

The two of them looked around to see all those people packed together in this large space. "Man, Kanye really outdid himself this party is sick." Niall chuckled putting his hand on Louis' shoulder.

"I guess it is." Louis said starting to perk up. "Let's go get a drink." He said looking towards the bar. The two of them were at having a drink and talking until Louis diverted his attention to someone other than Niall.

"Hey man, you ok?" Niall looked behind him seeing exactly who Louis was eyeing which would be you.

"Oh I see you've got a little jungle fever, huh mate?" Niall says elbowing him.

"What's jungle fever?" Louis asks confused.

"Having Jungle fever means you take them extra dark, just like her, I mean Louis, she's like borderline chocolate my friend." He smirked making eye gestures towards you.

"Is that a bad thing?" Louis asks confused.

"Dude, have you seen the women I've dated in the past? She's hot, like my exes have nothing on her. If that's you're type, you better not have any shame in it."

"I mean...She's absolutely gorgeous. There's just something about her that I can't seem to get enough of." Louis admits.

"So was I right about you forgetting about Danielle, or was I right?" Niall said sipping his drink.

"Pfft, Danielle who?" Louis laughed sipping his drink.

"Go talk to her!" Niall smiled happy Louis was moving on.

"Niall, that girl is way, way out of my league...I'm not ready for the rejection." Louis said nervously.

"Dude if you don't say something to her I'm gonna do it for you and if I do that, there's no guarantee that I won't tell an embarrassing story about you." Niall laughed.

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