#171: Love on the Brain (Harry) Part 2

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A/N: originally I wasn't going to make a part two of this little love hate fantasy, but when I get bored I edit over my prefs and occasionally decide what should have another part added on. So this is my treat to you guys I guess. Lol.

"I appreciate you seeing me again, [Y/N]. Is the food ok?"

"The food's great. How did you find this restaurant? Do you take all your hook ups here?" You scoff.

"Actually I just found this place online a few days ago. It got good reviews, so I decided to bring you since I wanted to see you again. Also I'll have you know that when I did still have a lot of women to hook up with, I never took them to the same place."

"I see. What happened to them all?" You asked curiously.

"I decided to get rid of them all for one woman in particular." He whispers.

"Have I heard about this mystery woman?" You asked trying not to make your jealousy evident. As much as Harry pissed you off, you wanted no other woman to be able to make him feel the way you could make him feel.

"Why do you ask?" He asks a little reluctant to give an answer.

"Maybe I wanna know if I'm up against a little competition." You shrugged pulling your tight dress down seeing as it was riding its way up your thighs.

"Well, She has an amazing body, the most beautiful skin I've ever laid eyes on, she has the kinkiest curls that I love to run my fingers through when you know...she gives me oral..." he whispers getting closer to your neck.

Literally with every detail, Harry would purposely come closer to your neck and breath his hot breath on you. He knew it drove you mad when he did that.

"And most importantly, she knows where my spot is and she knows how to push my buttons and she knows what turns me on." He whispers slipping his hand underneath your dress.

"Oh really?" You giggled sneakily biting his ear lobe. "Her name?"

"I'd rather not say, she's the best at what she does when she's angry." He chuckles tugging at your panties. How he discreetly got his hand all the way up there, would remain a complete mystery to you.

"Well I guess now would be a good time to tell you about a man I've been seeing. His name will also stay a secret." You say. You immediately saw Harry's face go red and he gripped your thigh as hard as he could.

"Oh really? Please share." His fingers teased your entrance and you tried not to loose it.

"Hello Mr. Styles, How are we doing so far tonight?" When you both turned you saw it was your waiter.

"Excellent, may I get the check a little early? We'd like to take our food to go..." he briefly turns to face you with a harsh expression but quickly switches it when he looks back at the waiter.

"Of course that's fine. I'll be back with the check in a few minutes." He smiles leaving the table.

"So tell me [Y/N], who is this man? I bet he can't make you cu-"

"Actually he makes me squirt like a damn dolphin." You whisper cutting Harry off.

"He has mid length scruffy hair which I love to pull on when he eats me out, his chest is perfectly sculpted and his biceps...don't even get me started on his strong arms...and best of all he has a big..." Harry's finger messing with your clit caused you to stop.

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