#144: "Where's Mommy?"

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A/N: A couple of the guys' prefs in this one may contain sensitive content. Just forewarning y'all.


"Hey Dad?" Bernie asks.

"What's up buddy?" Louis says.

"Where's Mommy? She not in her room." Bernard tells Louis almost shaking.

Louis wasn't quite sure how to explain your location to a little kid...lately you've been getting involved with drugs and your involvement escalated quickly. You couldn't get enough of the stuff you just had to have it. As a result of your addiction, it messed with your mental state and you went completely out of your right mind. Louis had driven you across town to a rehab center and he's making you stay there until you get yourself together. He didn't want you around the kids like that.

"Well buddy, Mommy has to go away for a while. She's been really sick and has to stay in a special hospital until she's all better." Louis explains.

"But why?" He asks tearing up.

"Because Mommy just needs help. She'll be back, I promise." Louis says knowing that won't be for a long time. At the most you'd have to be there for 6 months.

"She'll be back tomorrow?" He asks.

"No tomorrow buddy, but someday, she'll be back." He sighs.


"Come on Mom...pick up." Zieyah says nervously as she hears nothing but another dull ring over the phone. She was about an hour away in her college dorm pacing the room over and over again. She was having a real crisis right now and this was only something she wanted you to know first.

"Hello?" She heard Liam's voice and panicked.

"Um, hey Dad...Where's Mommy? I need to tell her something." She asked making Liam nervous. He could always sense when there was a problem.

"Zie, what's the problem? You're usually studying at this time. Tell me and I'll pass the message on." He says.

"You promise you won't be mad?" She says hopeful.

"It depends on what it is...tell me what happened. I prefer the truth." He says.

"Liam what's going on?" You asked.

"Ask Zieyah for yourself." Liam says calmly putting her on speaker.

"Zie, what happened?" You asked.

"I-I quit school..." you looked at Liam's reddened face and he could've beat her tail if he were there with her. You honestly weren't as upset until you found out her reasoning.

"Why?" You ask trying not to think of the worst possible scenario.

"Because I-I'm pregnant..." your eyes widened in disbelief.

"Mommy, are you still there? Are you mad?" She asks crying into the phone.

"It's ok Zie, I'm coming to get you. Have your stuff packed." You sighed not sure how to cope with being a grandmother.


Naliyah had a bad day at school and all she wanted was for you to be there so she could talk to you about it. Unfortunately for her you weren't there.

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