#135: FAMILY SERIES (Rivals) [2/5 only]

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Adelina Malik. It's all in the name, for years that girl has been beefing with Saniyah and it seems to never end. Don't get it twisted, as the parents you and Harry were still cool with Zayn but neither of you guys were cool with the long term arguing between your daughters. Zayn may not be able to see it, but Adelina has always been a trouble maker for as long as you could remember.

Acting too grown for her age, dressing skimpy...you never understood why Zayn allowed that. She has a younger sister for goodness sakes, they should be teaching her to set an example.

On the other hand, You were proud that Saniyah always acted as the mature one whenever the two of them had a situation, but there have been times where Saniyah just couldn't control herself. An instance about to be explained, is a prime example of Saniyah's lack of self control when it comes to that girl.

One day Saniyah was going about her business walking home from school when she heard a group of girls behind her. She knew exactly who's group it was too.

"Ugh, Adelina..." She mumbled under her breath. "Just ignore her like mom and dad say all the time..."

"Hey, is that Saniyah Styles?!" Adelina purposely yelled extra loud from up the street. Then Saniyah began to walk faster to avoid getting caught in a fight with her.

Just then Saniyah felt her bag being yanked back by one of Adelina's little groupies. "What?!" Saniyah yelled looking harshly at the group of girls behind her.

"Gosh Niyah chill, we just wanted to say hi."

"You, don't have the privilege to call me Niyah. That nickname is only for people I actually like, so it's Saniyah to you." She said folding her arms.

"Whatever bitch. No one even likes you. I don't even know why you bother existing." She scoffs high fiving and laughing with her friends.

"Because I actually want to make something of myself maybe?" She laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She said popping her gum.

"Well for one, I don't dress like a whore, I like to make a good impression. Plus, I don't walk around with my butt out all the time to impress a boy. You could learn a thing or two about elegance from me." She said making all of Adelina's girls start hollering. Then she noticed one of her friends started to record.

"Yo, you really about to take that Addy?" The one girl gasps.

"Whatever, at least I have a body to show off, and at least my dad isn't gay with a married man." She absolutely hated when she pulled that stupid Larry card when talking about her father. None of it was even true and she was a few short seconds a way from knocking her behind out.

"One, my dad isn't Gay, so you can shut up before I knock your ass out...and two, I've never heard of a guy that's a fan of cottage cheese." She said making her step back. "And another thing, at least I have actual friends. Unlike you, my friends don't talk to me because of who my dad is. So you can take your ego down a few notches thank you very much."

"Addy, you better beat that hoe..." Another one of her friends say trying to instigate. Adelina dropped her bag on the sidewalk and immediately started to throw punches at Saniyah's face. Saniyah quickly fought back knocking Adelina to the ground, and started slapping her and punching her.

"Don't let her beat you, get up Addy!" Said one of the girls. Just then random flashes of light appeared and the girls really cared less whether the paps caught them fighting or not.

They continued to beat on each other, they were so consumed in trying to murder each other that they didn't notice Zayn riding past them in the car. He quickly stopped noticing that it was his niece and daughter fighting and he immediately pulled over and hopped out the car. All of Adelina's little friends scattered when they saw his car.

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