#37: Mornings with him

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Another imagine from
1d-interracial imagines there aren't a lot of interracial preference writers on tumblr surprisingly...



Louis would come downstairs to you sitting on the couch untwisting or unbraiding your hair, tea made and a book by your side. Even though he knew you were germaphobic, he'd always take a sip of your tea and have a bite of whatever you were eating and lay his head on your lap. For some reason he'd love to trace shapes into your skin that you later had to put lotion over, but it didn't phase you anymore.
"Morning darling." He'd say before falling back asleep.


Somehow you and Liam always woke up either exactly at the same time or a few seconds after the other. He'd yawn and hold your hand up to the ceiling, examining it against his.
"You know Y/N, I really love you." he'd say nonchalantly.
"Wow, thank you." You'd reply knowing he'd look over at you. "I'm kidding!" You'd laugh as he pulled you over to straddle him.
"Love you too." You'd say bending down to kiss him.


He'd always be up and moving around, fully dressed and ready to start the day before your eyes even opened.
"Y/N, please make breakfast, pleeease." He'd whine in your ear, nibbling it a bit. You'd swat him away only leading him to grab a guitar and singing to the top of his lungs to the beat of Midnight Memories.
And if that didn't work he'd resort to tickling you till you gave in. "FINE! But you have to cook next time." Even though you knew he never would.


Harry was an early bird, so no matter what time he went to sleep, he'd always be up by 5. While he never disturbed you, it always freaked you out because when you would wake up, he'd be sitting at the foot of the bed or right next to you watching you sleep.
"You look like a serial killer." You'd say fondling his high bun.
"You just look so cute when you're sleeping." You'd pretend to scoff.
"I look cute all the time."
"You sure do." He'd laugh and hand you your morning coffee, pecking you on the nose.


Every morning you'd wake up before him, as expected. He'd always have his arm draped around you or your legs would be intertwined, and the slightest movement would cause him to tighten his grip. You would rub his back and move up to his hair until the feeling woke him up. He'd grin up at you, you're the only person who could wake him up without pissing him off.
"Morning love." He'd mumble placing a kiss on your hand.

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