Pillow Talk

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I honestly didn't really think the song was gonna be that lit To be real...like I heard so much about it all day and there's been spoilers of the video on Instagram and it made me not want to look at it at one point😂😂

I don't even know why, like I wanted to see it for myself, but I guess I just got sick of hearing about the song all over social media. Like I was so annoyed when I thought I was never gonna hear the end of it. So at the end of the day when I finally got around to taking a look at it, I was pretty amazed by it. Like so many people have underestimated Zayn since he left the band and it gets annoying hearing people say that he's nothing without the other 4 guys. Don't get me wrong, I still love them probably more than life itself, and I'm always praying for them...but I honestly think this separation is what Zayn needed personally. Y'all don't have to agree with me but I saw so many different things in that video that people probably haven't paid any attention to. It was extremely artsy, and it was just Zayn period. I honestly can't put into words what I got out of the video y'all. Am I the biggest fan of Gigi? Not really...but she brought some kind of fire into the video and I liked that aspect of it.

But overall, I'm proud of Zayn. He really is starting to make a name for himself by proving people wrong. He doesn't really need other people to help him be creative, and make lyrics. To me it's that, he's trying to put his art into words... As awkward as it sounds that's personally what I believe. He did a nice job with the song.

Oh and did anyone peep the black girls in the video?😌😏👌🏾

Zayn not dumb. He know the sistas is where it's at and its about time someone famous caught on TBH.

But anyway, what did y'all think of it?

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