Stalked (Harry) Pt. 2

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After the break in, you haven't heard from Harry in about a week and you were very afraid because you knew he had something very big planned, and he was still out there somewhere. Especially if he refrained from trying to contact you for a long period of time, you knew something was up. Today your witness protection was in effect and it was your first day in the Payne household. You didn't expect things to take such a turn so fast...

•••••••••Officer Payne's house••••••••

"Ok [Y/N], this is where you and the baby will sleep." He showed you the room and you loved it. It was small and compact and that's really all you needed, was a small space. They were even nice enough to put a crib in there for the baby.

"I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for me and Aryahn officer..."

"It's no problem really, and please call me Liam. Only on duty I'm officer Payne." He smiled. "So you two can get settled in and put stuff away, because you don't know for sure how long you will be staying. But until we do know, youre officially family."

"Thanks Liam it really means a lot." With that, he smiled at you and the baby and left the room.

"They really prepared for us Yahni. They set up a crib for you, they barred up our window, and they gave us a place to stay period. When you get older you're writing these people a Thank you letter." You giggled when she smiled at you. You laid her down in the crib and started to put your stuff away in the closets, and you used one of the dressers to put Aryahn's stuff in. It took you about an hour alone to get everything put away which was shocking considering the amount of clothes you and the baby had combined. 

"Alright, now let's go be social." You chuckled walking down the hallway and down the steps.

"That was fast. [Y/N], this is my wife Gina, and Gina this is [Y/N], and her 5 month old, Aryahn."

"Hey, How are you?" You shook her hand and she smiled.

"I'm great, Thanks. We're so excited for you to be staying, and we're happy to help you guys." She says.

"I'm really appreciating this. I've thanked your husband about a million times on the way down. I'm so grateful." You laughed. "It's just hard and the fact that someone is finally helping me, really means a lot."

"Oh yeah, Liam felt awful that no one was doing anything. He told me about the case so many times. By the way, I heard your daughter can't go to daycare right now, but there's no need to worry, I'm a stay at home Mom. I can watch her for you."

"Aww Gina, you would do that?"

"Of course. We have 4 kids and 2 of them are high schoolers, one is in middle school, and I got my youngest starting preschool soon. I at least have some kind of experience." She jokes with you.

"Dinner is usually around 6 so feel free to come down."

"Do you need any help making dinner?" You asked.

"Oh yeah, sure. I'll pull up a chair for the baby and we can get started."

••••••••••••Dinner Table•••••••••••

"So let me get this straight...They are staying here with us because someone is stalking her?" The teenaged girl asked.

"Yep that's right." Liam says taking a bite from his plate.

"Wow. I never thought stalking could get so dangerous." She said sitting back.

"Well Sienna, it all depends on who's doing the stalking and to what heights the perpetrator chooses to take it to." Liam explains.

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